

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:59次 大小:132247Byte 来源:二一课件通
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杭州市夏衍中学2016学年第一学期高一英语开学考试试题 一、阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。 A There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest (探索), in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away. The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall. When they all had gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted(扭曲的). The second son said no. He said it was covered with green buds and full of promise. The third son disagreed. He said it was laden (装载) with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful. He said it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen. The last son disagreed with all of them. He said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment. The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they each had seen but only one season in the tree’s life. He told them that you cannot judge a tree or a person by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up. If you give up when it’s winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer and the harvest of your fall. So, whatever happens, don’t let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don’t judge life by one difficult season. Struggle through the difficulties and better times are sure to come sooner or later. ( ) 1. The old man sent his sons on a quest so that _____. A. they could know how to plant trees B. they can give him a perfect answer C. they could learn something important in life D. they could find a beautiful tree ( ) 2. What was NOT true about the tree in the youngest son’s eyes A. The tree looked ugly and twisted. B. The tree was wonderful. C. The tree was full of life. D. The tree was full of fruit. ( ) 3. What did the man think of his sons’ answers A. Silly. B. Wrong. C. Correct. D. Complete. ( ) 4. Which of the following is NOT true A. The old man wanted to teach his sons a lesson. B. The sons didn’t try their best to describe the tree. C. The tree is different in different seasons. D. The son didn’t agree with each other at first. ( ) 5. What can we learn from the passage A. Different people have different opinions about different things. B. We can’t judge a person only by one side. C. We should go to see a tree at different seasons. D. We should only enjoy the beautiful season of the tree. B Doctors in Britain are worried because British teenagers eat lots of fried potatoes, sweets and fat food. Most teenagers don’t have enough fruit or vegetables and more than one million British school children are overweight. So ... ...

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