
Unit 6 Famous stories 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:50次 大小:26113024Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件65张PPT。Unit 6 Famous storiesOur school libraryThere are some names of the storybooks and characters. MulanJourney to the WestMonkey KingCinderellaRobin Hood(人物)Watch the video Unit?6????Famous stories???? (名著) ???????? ?A. The children are at the library. Read, listen and act. (孩子们在图书馆.) Pat: I‘m going to get this book.? 我打算拿这本书。 Tim: What is it? 什么书?? Pat: It‘s the story of Mulan. I like her. She’s smart, brave and hard-working. 是《花木兰传奇》。我喜欢她。她聪明、勇敢、勤劳。? Tim: I like this one. It‘s Journey to the West. Monkey King is strong, exciting and funny. 我喜欢这本,《西游记》。孙悟空是强大的,令人兴奋的,滑稽的。 Pat: How about you, Koko and Bill? Which books do you like? Koko和Bill 你们喜欢哪些书? AMulansmart,brave,hard-working strong,funny,excitinghonest,kind Robin Hoodfamous,interestingMonkey KingCinderella Journey to the Westsmartbravehard-workingfunnyhonestfamouskindCinderellaRobin Hoodinteresting/a://ei//a://?://i//?//i/ /?//i//i//?//e//?//ai//?//i//u//ei//?//i//i//i/‘‘‘‘‘‘聪明的勇敢的努力工作的有趣的诚实的灰姑娘善良的罗宾汉著名的有趣的B1: Tim’s favourite stories.Say “T” or “F” according to the text Tim has three favourite characters. He likes Monkey King better than the other characters. 3. He thinks Robin Hood is the smartest character. 4. Tim thinks Cinderella is less beautiful than Mulan. 5. Both Mulan and Robin are hard-working. 6. Cinderella is sometimes not honest.(F)(T)(F)(T)(T)(F)Talk about these characters with your partnersGroup work: Who is your favorite teacher? Why do you like him/her?She is more careful than other teachers. He is the most interesting teacher. G. Listen and chant. G & HListen and chant:How do you think the character ?interesting harding-working honest, brave, kind and funnyhonest, kind tall and strong sings a beautifulHOmework:1. Listen to the tape and copy the words they learnt today. 2. Choose 1-2 storybooks to talk about the characters, try to teach your parents how the characters are. 3. Prepare Part B1, Think about the comparatives and superlatives you have learnt. Where can we learn stories from?grandparentsbookTVcomputernewspaperradioPart B1 Tim is writing about his favourite stories.What’s your favourite story?How do you think of the characters?Who are the characters?Can you tell other storybooks?Video of B1 Unit?6????Famous stories????????????(世界名著)? B1. Tim is writing about his favourite stories. Listen and read??? (提姆正在写他特别喜爱的故事.) My favourite characters are Monkey King, Zhuge Liang, Mulan and Robin Hood.我最喜欢的人物是孙悟空、诸葛亮、花木兰和罗宾汉。I like Monkey King the best. He is the most interesting character. Sometimes, he is hard-working but, usually, he is not. He is stronger than Robin Hood and more exciting than Mulan. He is the funniest character. I always laugh at him.我最喜欢孙悟空。他是最有趣的人物。有时,他是勤劳的,但通常他不是。他比罗宾汉更强大,比花木兰更令人兴奋。他是最滑稽的人物。我总是因他而发笑。 ... ...

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