
Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing Section C 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:30次 大小:427842Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件13张PPT。Unit 3 Our hobbies Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Section C1. match13. in a low voice['h??ɡri]3. voice6. beat2. darkRead the new words and phrases aloud. [m?t?] [sel] [v?is][dɑ:k] 4.sell 5.hungry7.burn8.stove黑暗的低声地说 卖出,出售12.goose geese火柴,比赛?[b?:n] 9. disappear10.flame11.dead嗓音打饥饿的燃烧火炉消失火焰死的15.pass by 经过14.warm sb. up使某人暖和17.hold sb. in one’s arms16.lie against the wall 鹅靠着墙[bi:t] [st??v]?[dis?'pi?(r)] 把某人搂在怀里[fleim]?[ded][gu:s]?[ɡi:s]Quick response(快速反应)火炉低声地说饥饿的经过打鹅黑暗的 卖出,出售火柴,比赛嗓音match /m?t?/sell /sel/dark /da:k/The Little Match Girlhungry /`h??gri/burn /b??n/goose /gu:s/stove /st??v/in a low voice /v??s/Task 1 Fast reading Read 1a fast and answer the question. Q: Why didn’t the little girl go home? Because her father would beat her without selling one box of matches. Task 2: Careful Reading ( I )Read 1a again and mark T(true) or F(false) 1.It was snowy and dark on Christmas. ( ) 2. A poor little girl was still walking in the streets without any shoes.( ) 3. “Matches, matches!” the little girl cried in a loud voice. ( ) 4. She lit three matches in total(总共). ( )the last evening of the yearTFFlowfourF on the last evening of the yearin the streets with was blowingwas falling downmatchesdidn’t sellcoldhungrystoveroast gooseChristmas treegrandmotherwas lyingdead1bno shoes Task 3: Careful Reading (II) Read 1a and complete the table.The Story of The Little Match GirlWhich sentence touches you deeply? Share your feelings. 哪个句子最触动你?说一两句你的感受。★She lit three matches. When the matches were burning, she saw a warm stove, a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree. ★ Then she lit a fourth match. A kind woman was standing there. Discuss in groups: Why did she see these things? 假设你是卖火柴的小女孩,在饥寒交迫时,你点燃了四根火柴,你希望看到什么呢?根据下表提示内容写一段短文。Writing:You may begin like this: I felt cold and hungry. So I lit the first match. I saw a stove. It made me warm. Then I lit… SummaryWe learn: words and phrases We can talk about : the story about the Little Match GirlHow do we treat the life, the life how we treat. ?我们怎样对待生活,生活就怎样对待我们。 Homework Keep the new words in mind; Read 1a; Talk about: the story about the Little Match GirlThanks for your listening!

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