
Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing? 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:39次 大小:2490368Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。 Module 3 unit 1 What are they doing ? I’m listening to music.I’m reading a book.I’m writing a letter.Look and say What are you doing ?He _____ football.She _____ to her friend.He _____ TV.is playing is talkingWhat is he/she doing?is watchingWhat are they?They’re animals .What are they ? They’re listening to music.doing What are they doing?They are_____playing basketball. What are they doing?They are_____.swimming play chess 下象棋What are they doing?They are_____. ingdo taijiquan 打太极拳They are_____. ingWhat are they doing?row a dragon boat 划龙舟They are_____. ingWhat are they doing?They’re drinking soya milk.喝豆浆clockIt`s twelve now.doing Taijiquanrowing a dragon boatplaying chessdrinking soya milk .They’re…Let’s = let us 让我们一起 get on the bus 上公交车 Let’s get on the bus. We can see lots of interesting things.lots of interesting things许多 有趣的事情迪斯尼乐园between在…之间还记得我们吗?People____ the park 公园里的人们 people ____ the lake 湖上的人们 Men _____ the big trees 树中间的(男)人 inonbetween课后作业 一、汉译英 1、do Taijiquan_____ 2、play chess_____ 3、row a dragon boat_____ 4、do morning exercises_____ 二、选词填空。 are is 1、What __ you doing ? 2、What __ Tom doing ? 3、What __ she doing ? 4、What __ they doing ? 三、补全下列单词。 1、happ_ 快乐的 2、purpl_ 紫色 3、fa_our_te 特别喜爱的 4、___胖的 5、___瘦的 6、____家庭 四、今天学的单词抄一遍。

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