
Module 2 Unit 2 How do you feel? 教案(4套)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:56次 大小:489887Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 2 Me, My family and friends Unit2 How do you feel Period One Teaching contents :Say and act Teaching Aims 知识目标:Using predicative adjective to describe conditions. .Asking simple questions to obtain ‘yes/no’ responses. 能力目标:Identify main ideas Recognize language patterns previously encountered in new spoken texts. Open an interaction by eliciting a response 情感目标:Asking the students to help each other and kind to others . Difficult and key points: Asking simple questions to obtain ‘yes/no’ responses. Teaching aids: tape, drawing paper, pictures. Teaching procedure: 教学步骤 方法与手段 补充及修改 Warming-up Sing a song 《Head, shoulders》Read a rhyme《Look at the fire 》 Revision Ask and answer:Are you a pupil Are you a nurse Happy birthday.Your hands are dirty. Go and wash first. Presentation Consolidation Teach: happy, sadT: Today is my birthday .I get a big cake and many birthday cards. So I’m very happy. Let’s sing a song 《 Happy birthday》T: Are you happy ( explains: happy 快乐 ) P-P work in pairs. Yes/NoLook ,Kitty is happy .Ben is sadT says and P acts2 Teach : hungry ,thirstyT: Suppose now school is over. I’m very hungry (老师边说边做动作,让学生理解 hungry 的意思)Are you hungry Ps: Yes/NoB: T: I’m very thirsty. I’m drinking.Are you thirsty (say and act) P: Yes. T: Please drink some water.3. Teach : full , tiredA. T: Oh, I’m very tired. Are you tired (act) P: Yes, I am T: Sit down, please. B. T: Look, my bag is full.Are you hungry P: No, I’m not T: Oh, you’ll full.C. Read the new words.4. Teach: afraid, angry. [The same way]5.Look at the pictures and listen to the tape. Say and actAct and draw.Act out the dialogue. 课后随笔 成功与经验 板书设计 Say and acthappy sadhungry thirstyfull tiredafraid angry Are you…… Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 思考与对策 A biscuit, Ben No, thanks.A Coke, Kitty Yes, please. Period Two Teaching contents: Look and say Teaching Aims: 1.知识目标:Using predicative adjective to describe conditions. Using nouns to identify insects. 2.能力目标: Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions. 3.情感目标: Kinding each other. Difficult and Key points: Using nouns to identify in sects Teaching aids: tape, pictures ,a toy ladybird. 教学步骤 方法与手段 补充及修改 Warming-up Sing a songDaily talk Revision Ask and answer:Are you angry Are you thirsty A …, x x x … Presentation ConsolidationHomework 1. Teach: on the … in the …'A . T: Where’s the book P: It’s on the desk. T: Where’s the book now P: It’s on the badB. Practise: on the desk, on the bed …C: T: Where’s the pencil now P: It’s in the pencil-box Practise: in the pencil-boxin the toilet2. Teach: The …is on/in the… T: The book is on the desk. Ps say and act. P1 talk about the pictures:The cook roach is in the toilet.He’s on his bad.3. Teach Picture 1~4. A. Look at the pictures and listen to the tape recording. B. Read after the tape C. P talk about the pictures. Play a game: To pass the flowerWhen the music is ... ...

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