
牛津版英语八年级上册课件:unit4 Study skills (共16张PPT)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:19次 大小:892739Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件16张PPT。Unit 4 Do it yourselfStudy skillsThe prefixes un-, in- and im-Let’s work out the rule! uncertainuncomfortableunimportantuninterestingimpatient impossibleinactiveincorrectUn- is the most common prefix for adjectives.Im- is often used in front of the words which begin with p.In- is never used in front of the words which begin with ‘l,r’.un-in-im- Prefix (前缀): a prefix is a group of letters that we add to the front of a word to form a new word. One of the common prefixes is un -. It means “not”.SummaryunfriendlyunableunhappyunhealthyunluckyunusualunkinduntidyCan you think of more words starting with un-? We can also use some other prefixes such as in- and im-, to form new words with opposite meaning.Find out morehealthy, polite, lucky, complete, kind, proper, direct , friendlypoliteproperhealthyluckykindcompletedirectim- un- in- Would you please help the words find their homes?friendly['pr?p?][k?m'pli?t]Task 1How much do you know about DIY? DIY stands for ‘do-it-yourself’. DIY is an __ ( /uninteresting) activity. When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it. Sometimes DIY is not easy, at this moment,instructions are _____ ( /unimportant). They will give us some useful information. So it is _____(correct/ ) to begin DIY without reading instructions. Sometimes it’ll take time to do a DIY job, so it is impossible to finish the DIY job if you are _____ (patient/ ).interestingimportantincorrectimpatientTask 2Choose and complete!1.DIY is a _____ activity. If you spend too much time,it will make your neck and back _____.4.I enjoy doing DIY jobs because making something new seems _____.2.My Mum is often _____ to me because I usually make the room _____. 3.It is impossible for _____ and _____ persons to do nice DIY jobs.healthy uncomfortableinterestingunkinduntidyimpatientinactivehealthy, comfortable, tidy, interesting, kind, patient,active.Task 3Read and complete!Are you unhappy? If so, join us! Are you impatient? If so, join us! Are you inactive? If so, join us! Come to our DIY Club,dear friends! DIY Club is the most suitable place for you in your free time. Here you can make more friends. Here you can become more confident.Here you can feel the happiness of success. Come on! We need you! We will wait for you at 4:00 from Monday to Friday in the School Art Room.1.It's _____ for you to go to the club on Saturday and Sunday. 2.If you join the club, you will become_____, _____ and _____. 3.It's easy to make friends here, so you will become more _____.incorrecthappypatientactivefriendlyAdd the correct prefixes to some of the adjectives so that the sentences make sense. 1. Annie: Do you spend a lot of time doing outdoor sports? Simon: Sure. It’s usual for me to stay at home all day. 2. Sandy: Our neighbour next door is putting something on the wall. Mum: It’s possible to sleep with all that noise.unusualimpossible3. Mille: Are you able to fix your bicycle, Andy? Andy: No. I’m certain ... ...

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