

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:54次 大小:4529458Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 高考总复习首选用卷·英语 专题四 完形填空 考点二十五 说明文 第1步 刷基础·刷经典 第2步 刷高考·刷模拟 点击进入WORD文稿考点二十五 说明文 Cloze 1 限时13分 Organizing for a smooth journey takes a lot of planning. Just a bit of foresight will help you truly __1__ and enjoy what holidays have to offer. Before you travel, you need to first __2__ your needs. Sit down together with the people with whom you will be traveling.What are the needs this trip __3__? Rest, cultural discoveries, work, or sports Then, set a(n) __4__ for yourself. Vacations that far exceed (超出) the money available will give you stress, which is __5__ to what you're looking for. __6__ think over all those important __7__ you need, and begin early the __8__ needed to obtain them before leaving. Whether it is your passport, an international driving license, traveler's checks, or train tickets, all these need time to be __9__ for. During the journey, enjoy yourself! There are so many people who __10__ all that they've left back home. What can you do anyway, sitting on your island paradise (乐园) You can solve problems, if any, when you __11__. Learn to awaken your __12__. Listen to new songs of birds. Touch the __13__ and warm sand. Watch a sunset splitting itself into all kinds of colors. Delight in the good __14__ of the food on your plate. __15__ every second available to you and consider yourself blessed to be there at that time. If you were __16__ abroad, when you come back, visit your doctor without delay. Above all, don't __17__ the end of the holiday. That'll cause you to lose whatever good you got out of it. __18__ you were lucky to have had one, and continue to live a better life. __19__ is stopping you from choosing to continue life a little slower, a little __20__, and much happier! 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。主要对如何准备、组织好一次旅行提出了一些建议。 1.A.study B.relax C.hide D.understand 答案 B 结合下文语境可知,此处指如果你提前做好准备的话,你便会真正放松下来(relax),好好享受假期给你带来的一切。故选B。 2.A.plan B.meet C.list D.realize 答案 C 句意:在旅行之前,你必须先列一个必需品清单(list)。故选C。 3.A.lies in B.calls for C.results in D.waits for 答案 B 根据该空后的“Rest, cultural discoveries, work, or sports?”可知,此处意为“这次旅行需要满足什么需求?”call for意为“需要”,符合语境。lie in意为“在于”;result in意为“导致”;wait for意为“等候”。 4.A.budget B.order C.date D.intention 答案 A 根据下文中的“Vacations that far exceed (超出) the money available will give you stress”可知,此处指应给自己做个预算(budget)。故选A。 5.A.sensitive B.opposite C.similar D.obvious 答案 B 句意:实际花费远远超过预算的假期将给你带来压力,这是与你期望的事情背道而驰的。sensitive意为“敏感的”;opposite意为“相反的”;similar意为“类似的”;obvious意为“明显的”。根据语境及常识可知,只有opposite最符合语境。故选B。 6.A.Especially B.Therefore C.Finally D.Still 答案 C 结合上下文 ... ...

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