
Unit 1 Welcome back to school! PB Let's learn 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:44次 大小:26779369Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件22张PPT。 Unit 1Welcome Back to School !B Let's learnWe are friends. We like to play. We are friends. We like to play. A boy from Canada. A girl from the UK. Friends from China and the USA.Let's chantThis is …teacherteacher Ateacher Bteacher Cteacher DI like teacher … .古诗25×4=student=pupilI’m a student.Hello, I’m Amy. I’m a girl. I’m a student. I’m from the UK.Hello, I’m . I’m a . I’m a . I’m from .Zhang PengboystudentChinaHello, I’m____. I’m a ____. I’m a ____. I’m from ____.--How many students?--Seven students.Students, students. Seven students. I can see seven students.hesheHe and she. He and she. Boy and girl. You and me. He and she. He and she. Teacher and students. One, two, three.He’s a teacher.She’s a .studentThis is Mr Jones. He’s a teacher.This is . She’s a student.SarahShe’s from .the USAThis is . She’s a . She’s from . This is . He’s a . He’s from . Amystudentthe UKZhang PengstudentChinaStory time - Let’s play schoolWho’s clever?Story time - Let’s play schoolLet’s play a game!OK!Let’s play teacher and student.Story time - Let’s play schoolI’m big. I’m the teacher!I’m clever. I’m the teacher!I’m the teacher!I’m the teacher!?Who can be the teacherStory time - Let’s play schoolWait a minute!Story time - Let’s play schoolCan you read this?Sure, “I am the student.”Story time - Let’s play schoolHaha! You see? I am the teacher!Oh, no!

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