
广东省深圳市 Module 2 Unit 3 Our animal friends More practice & Culture corner导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:13次 大小:147473Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 our animal friends More practice & Culture corner 每日分享: A cat may look at a king. 猫也可以看国王 课题 学习目标 学习重点 文章排序及其故事类篇章有关5w+how问题练习 学习难点 如何应对故事类的阅读篇章 学习过程 Daily report (学生以本单元culture corner 为话题展开,采用听,说,问的方式而了解相关dog lows的知识,学生可以通过网络资源补充。)温故知新 在我们刚学完的writing中,你还记得故事类的阅读篇章一般都涉及哪些问题吗?它们是 , , , , , 。 从 writing这项活动中,我们知道叙述故事运用什么时态?_____ 课堂探究Read the story quickly and try to put the pictures below in the correct order on page 40. (6 minutes)Read the story again and try to fill in the blanks.(7mins)When:_____What: (what did Tim do )Where:_____Who:_____ _____Why: (why did Tim feel scared )How: (how did Tim was saved )课堂练习口语练习: 基于以上任务B的练习,以对对子的形式练习口语。要点归纳要点一 从这篇泛读课文中,你掌握了 阅读技巧?要点二 在处理故事类的阅读课文,我们要注意哪些呢?要点二 从这篇课文中,你又能积累哪些单词和词组呢?拓展提高根据你积累的单词和词组完成本文。I saw something moving me. It was a shark! I was really . Suddenly another creature appeared me in the water. It me away from the shark. I on its back??? it swam towards the beach. Soon we were near the beach. The shark didn’t follow us. I stepped on to the beach, the dolphin swam away. 总结反思:1. 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获: 2. 感到自己有待加强的是: a. b. c. d. e. f.

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