
广东省深圳市 Module 2 Unit 3 Our animal friends Writing导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-05-06 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:18次 大小:130971Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 our animal friends Writing 每日分享:A bird may be known by its song. 什么鸟唱什么歌。 课题 学习目标 1. 通过英汉互译活动,学生能够掌握新的单词,词组。2. 通过课文探究两个活动,学生能够从图片中搜索正确的信息并利用相关词组描述图片。3. 通过课堂探究,随堂练习和拓展提高这三个活动,学生掌握基本的写作流程。 学习重点 根据已有内容,图片完成小故事 学习难点 掌握完整的写作步骤 学习过程 温故知新课堂探究We have learnt stories about many helpful dogs. Today we will know about another story about a rescue dog.Questions: when we read a story, the story is told in simple past tense or simple tense.Activity 1. Look at the first picture and read the first two paragraphs. Then answer the following questions.What did they do on the second day How was the weather then What happened to them 提示:利用温故知新中词组做答;作答之后,组内检查拼写,语法错误。Activity 2. Look at the second picture and read the remaining paragraphs. Then answer the following questions.Why did they wake up What did they do Who did they soon see 提示:利用温故知新中词组做答;作答之后,组内检查拼写,语法错误。课堂练习Complete the story. 完成之后,组间互评,分享 。Read the story, role-playing the characters in it.要点归纳图文结合扩展性故事写作技巧要点一:当我们计划读图故事型写作时,一定要结合已有内容,弄清图片内容,从而梳理整个故事内容。要点二: 写作时要在大脑里搜索相对应词组来描述图片内容,这要求我们注意积累 。要点三:集思广益要点四:如果我们计划独立地完成一篇文章时,我们进行头脑风暴时,可以先利用 。 (参照拓展提高部分)拓展提高补充全文后,请完成下表。In the snowWhenwhowhatClimb the mountainwherewhyThey were losthow 经过effect结果你能把此表格变成蛛网图吗?[] 总结反思:1. 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获: 2. 感到自己有待加强的是: who When how what in the snow effect why where

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