
广东省深圳市 Module 3 Unit 5 Water Study skills and self-assessment导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-05-14 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:83次 大小:540062Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 water Study skills and self-assessment 每日分享:A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. 一本好书今天如此,将来也如此,永不改变。 课题 学习目标 学习重点 能正确使用索引,并能区分目录与索引的异同,复习知识点。 学习难点 能正确使用索引,并能区分目录与索引的异同。 学习过程 Study skills 学生就问题Besides a contents page, how can you find information in a book quickly 开展“头 脑风暴”,引出另一种快速查阅文献的方法,即索引查询,并朗读教材中index的定义。 学生观察教材第69页上的索引页面,以对子活动的形式讨论一下问题并完成练习。 What do you think this book is about Where does wastewater come from Does this book include anything about agriculture On which page can you find about water treatment/the water cycle 学生阅读一本既有目录又有索引的书,并讨论这两者的区别。目录中各主题的排列顺序与书中出现的顺序是一致的,而且目录中还列出章 节号;而索引中的各主题是以字母表顺序排列的,提供了更多的细节内容。b.目录通常出现在书的开头,基本上所有的书都有目录;而索引通常出现在书的末尾,且不是所有的书都有索引。Self-assessment温故知新 利用下面小水滴的自述,三名学生分角色复述课文。 Water talksHello, everyone. I am a drop of water. Now, I am at Dora's bathroom. But a few days ago, I was in a cloud. Then I dropped into a river and ran into reservoir. It was time for people to clean me because I was dirty. They cleaned me and added some chemicals to me. Then I travelled through the pipes under the streets and I came out from the tap. After that people will make me clean again. Then, I will go into the sea again. My journey starts from the sea. 将P62 The journey of a coin六幅图和下面的六个句子匹配。 Hi! I'm a coin! I was nice and clean when I was made.People put me in a bag and took me to a bank. I stayed there for a few days. Then a person at the bank gave me to a man.That man had a cake shop. Your mother went to his cake shop to buy some cakes. The man gave me to your mother as part of her change, but your mother dropped me.Your mother couldn't find me. Then a street cleaner saw me and picked me up. He gave me back to your mother. She was very happy and thanked him!Your mother gave me to you as pocket money. Then you washed me to make me clean again. I felt very happy. Grammar 修饰不可数名词修饰可数/不可数名词修饰可数名词nonetoo little ,littletoo few , fewa littlesomea fewnot muchnot manytoo much , mucha lot of = lots oftoo many , manyPlenty ofa number of Sounds/str/-strange /spl/ -splash /spr/-spring /skr/-scream Talk about "water becomes rain" Writing 看图口头复述每幅图片的内容: First......,Next......,Then......,Finally...... 总结反思:1. 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获: 2. 感到自己有待加强的是: ... ...

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