

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:50次 大小:149762Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专项训练三:完形与阅读 一、完形填空。                  A (建议用时:5分钟) Hello, I ____1____ Peter. I'm young and ____2____. I like ____3____, because I like my PE ____4____. He is very tall and ____5____. He ____6____ kind. He is very strict. But sometimes he is funny. He can ____7____ basketball and football. And he can run ____8____. I ____9____ PE ____10____ Tuesdays and Thursdays. (  ) 1. A. am B. is C. are (  ) 2. A. old B. tall C. tired (  ) 3. A. PE B. science C. maths (  ) 4. A. doctor B. student C. teacher (  ) 5. A. short B. kind C. strong (  ) 6. A. are B. am C. isn't (  ) 7. A. play B. plays C. play the (  ) 8. A. very well B. very fast C. very high (  ) 9. A. have B. has C. do (  ) 10. A. in B. of C. on                  B (建议用时:5分钟) Lingling is my friend. She ____1____ in Beijing with her parents. She is ten years old. She____2____a____3____. She goes to school ____4____ Monday ____5____Friday. She ____6____ Thursday. She ____7____ an art class. She likes art very much. She has PE ____8____ Fridays. She ____9____PE. She often ____10____piano on Friday. (  ) 1. A. am B. is C. are (  ) 2. A. am B. is C. are (  ) 3. A. teacher B. doctor C. student (  ) 4. A. from B. on C. at (  ) 5. A. to B. and C. on (  ) 6. A. has B. likes C. like (  ) 7. A. is B. have C. has (  ) 8. A. in B. on C. at (  ) 9. A. like B. doesn't like C. do (  ) 10. A. plays B. play the C. plays the                  C (建议用时:5分钟) This is my sister, Lynn. She is ten. She is very ____1____. ____2____ favourite food is ____3____. She often eats salad, because it's ____4____. She likes ____5____ some tea. It's healthy, too. She can ____6____ pipa. She can ____7____ cartoons. And she can ____8____ Chinese very well. She often watches ____9____ on Saturday evening. And she likes to ____10____ books on Sundays. (  ) 1. A. old B. young C. big (  ) 2. A. She B. His C. Her (  ) 3. A. plant B. salad C. flowers (  ) 4. A. healthy B. too hot C. too sweet (  ) 5. A. drink B. drinks C. to drink (  ) 6. A. play the B. plays C. plays the (  ) 7. A. write B. draw C. sing (  ) 8. A. speak B. say C. talk (  ) 9. A. books B. homework C. TV (  ) 10. A. read B. reads C. to read                  D (建议用时:6分钟) Hello, I will show you the rooms in my house. This is the ____1____. There is a big sofa ____2____ it. We like to ____3____ in the sofa. This is the ____4____. There ____5____some vegetables and fruit in the fridge. We cook in this room. This is my room. There is a clock ____6____ the bed. There is a desk. A computer is ____7____the desk. I like to sit ____8____ the desk to read books or do ____9____ homework. There ____10____ some flowers in my room, too. They are beautiful. (  ) 1. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. living room (  ) 2. A. on B. in C. under (  ) 3. A. watch TV B. draw cartoons C. play ping pong (  ) 4. A. study B. kitchen C. ... ...

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