

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:88次 大小:212608Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专项训练二:句 型 一、判断下列句子或对话与图片是(T)否(F)一致。 (  ) 1. The chair is near the window.            (  ) 2. —What's in your schoolbag —Three books, a pencil box and a key. (  ) 3. —What colour is it —It's black and white.   (  ) 4. He has glasses.    (  ) 5. My family has six people.   (  ) 6. I can use chopsticks.   二、连连看,将句子和相应的图片连线。 1. We have a new classroom. Let's go and see. A. 2. Put a sofa in the living room. B. 3. Let's clean the window. C. 4. Her schoolbag is heavy. D. 5. I'd like some bread and milk. E. 三、选择正确的一项。 1. Put (A. on B. up) the picture. 2. I (A. have B. has) a candy, a toy and… 3. She's cute and has long (A. hair B. hairs). 4. The panda (A. is B. are) black and white. 5. Kate (A. has B. have) orange shoes. 6. Go to the living room. (A. Take B. Watch) TV. 7. Where (A. are B. is) the keys 8. Would you like some (A. bread B. breads) 9. (A. She B. He) is a girl. 10. There (A. is B. are) three people in my family. 四、单项选择。 (  ) 1. Let _____ clean the desks. A. me B. I C. we (  ) 2. —_____ is the crayon —It's in the pencil box. A. What B. When C. Where (  ) 3. I have _____ English friend and _____ Chinese friend. A. an; a B. an; an C. a; an (  ) 4. He _____ glasses and his shoes _____ orange. A. have; are B. has; are C. have; is (  ) 5. Look_____ that bedroom. A. by B. at C. for (  ) 6. _____ they near the phone A. Who B. Are C. Is (  ) 7. _____ some vegetables, please. A. I'm B. I'd like C. I have (  ) 8. —_____ for dinner —Noodles and beef. A. Who's B. Where's C. What's (  ) 9. _____ desks are there in the classroom A. How many B. How much C. How old (  ) 10. My _____ are near the chair. A. glasses B. schoolbag C. shoe 五、给图片选择正确的句子。 .        A. Let's clean the door. (  ) 1. B. Let's clean the window. C. Let's clean the table. A. He has long hair. (  ) 2. B. She has glasses. C. She has short hair. A. We do homework in the living room. (  ) 3. B. We read a book in the bedroom. C. We read a book in the study. A. I'd like some noodles. (  ) 4. B. I'd like some chicken. C. I'd like some soup. A. My mother is a nurse. (  ) 5. B. My uncle is a basketball player. C. My father is a football player. 六、根据图片提示,写出问句或答语。 1. —_____ —It's on the desk.       2. —_____ —His name is Tom.       3. —Is the computer in the study —_____.       4. —_____ —Three. My parents and me.       5. —_____ —My uncle is a driver.       七、根据提供的情景选择正确的句子。 (  ) 1. 你们学校附近新开了一家文具店,你会这样提议大家去看看: A. Look at it. B. Let's go and see. C. I see. (  ) 2. 朋友告诉你他新买了一台性能特别优越的电脑,你又惊叹又有些怀疑,你会说: A. Wow! B. Hey. C. Really (  ) 3. 有人帮你找到了你丢失的钱包,你会这样说: A. Thank you so much! B. Here it is. C. Excuse me. (  ) 4. 当朋友猜对了你说的话时,你会说: A. OK. B. Yes. You're right. C. Thank you. (  ... ...

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