
Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:22次 大小:781291Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo.同步练习 一、选出表示下列图片内容的单词。 (  ) 1.   (  ) 2.  (  ) 3. (  ) 4.  (  ) 5. A. sun  B. sheep  C. bear  D. children  E. owl 二、单项选择。 (  ) 1. Bears sleep _____ winter. A. in  B. at C. on (  ) 2. Owls live _____ the tree. A. of B. in C. from (  ) 3. I can learn a lesson _____ that thing. A. with B. from C. for (  ) 4. _____ like grass. A. Rabbit B. Horse C. Sheep (  ) 5. How many _____ have you got? A. books B. book C. a book 三、根据同学们的描述选择他们喜欢的动物。 A B C D E (  ) 1. Mike: They’re long and thin. They love the sun. (  ) 2. Lingling: They can swim. Cats like them. (  ) 3. Jim: They’re fat. They like to sleep in winter. (  ) 4. Sam: They can fly in the sky. (  ) 5. Laura: They’re naughty. They like bananas. 四、情景交际。 (  ) 1. 当你收到一份很棒的礼物时,你会说: A. This is a present.    B. It’s a fantastic present. (  ) 2. 当你想告诉朋友树上有一些苹果时,你会说: A. There are some apples in the tree. B. There are some apples on the tree. (  ) 3. 当你想问你的朋友住在哪里时,你会说: A. Where are you live? B. Where do you live? (  ) 4. 当你想问一个物品大还是小时,你会说: A. Is it big and small? B. Is it big or small? (  ) 5. 当你向小朋友介绍熊猫时,你会说: A. They’re cute. They love bamboo. B. They’re fat. They like grass and water. 五、给问句选出合适的答语。 (  ) 1. Why do the pandas like bamboo? (  ) 2. What is this? (  ) 3. Do snakes sleep in winter? (  ) 4. Where does Mr Li live? (  ) 5. Can snakes hear? A. He lives in this city.   B. Yes, they do. C. It’s a map of the world.  D. No, they can’t. E. I don’t know. 六、按要求完成下列各题。 1. I like blue. (改为否定句) I _____ _____ blue. 2. Linda comes from New York. (改为一般疑问句) _____ Linda _____ _____ New York? 3. Is it a new bicycle? (作肯定回答) _____,_____ _____. 4. My sister has got two pens. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ _____ your sister _____? 5. Elephants like water. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ elephants like? 七、选择合适的句子补全对话。 —Hi, Jack! 1 —Yes, I have. —Can I use it tomorrow? 2 —Sure. 3 —No. 4 I want to take some beautiful photos tomorrow. —Where are you going? —To the zoo. 5 And I’m going to take some photos of them. —That sounds good. A. Mine doesn’t work well. B. I like animals. C. There will be a photo show in my class next week. D. Have you got a camera? E. Are you going to take a trip? 1. _____  2. _____  3. _____ 4. _____  5. _____   八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (建议用时:4分钟) Elephants can live 50 to 60 years. They are the largest land animals. They can hear and smell very well. They like water very much. They eat a lot every day. Snakes haven’t got legs or feet. They put out their tongues (舌头) to smell the air. They love the sun. They sleep in winter if they live in cold places. (  ) 1. Elephants can _____ very well. A. hear B. smell C. A and B (  ) 2. The elephant is the largest animal _____. A. on e ... ...

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