
外研版必修四 MODULE 7 Revision (7-2) 课件与教案

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:54次 大小:1981954Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件24张PPT。MODULE 7(2)Traffic Jam Revision Review the Unit 2黑龙江省哈尔滨市 邱尚瑛Vocabulary and Grammar review1. Master the vocabularies and the grammar practice 2. Use them correctly1. key words and phrases 2. the grammar practice Vocabulary review and practice 词汇复习与练习 (填写音标与词义) 1. coach 2. motorbike 3. pedicab 4. minibus 5. traffic jam 6. ring road 7. traffic lights 8. rush hour 9. bicycle lane 10. underground Vocabulary review and practice 填写音标与词义 1. coach 2. motorbike 3. pedicab 4. minibus 5. traffic jam[k??t?] n. 教练;长途客运汽车;四轮马车 v. 辅导;训练;指导;坐马车旅行[?m??t?ba?k] n. 摩托车['ped?k?b] n.(载客的脚踏)三轮车[?m?nib?s] n. 小型公共汽车,小型巴士[?tr?fik d??m] n. 交通阻塞;塞车 Vocabulary review and practice 填写音标与词义 6. ring road 7. traffic lights 8. rush hour 9. bicycle lane 10. underground[ri? ro?d] n. 环行路,环岛[?tr?fik laits] n. 交通灯,红绿灯[r?? ?au?] n.(上、下班的)高峰期[?baisikl lein] n. 非机动车道[??nd?gra?nd] n. 地铁;地道 adj. 地下的;秘密的;隐蔽的 adv. 在地下;秘密地;偷偷地 用英语解释下列词语 1. bike / bicycle 2. boat 3. ship 4. bus 5. van 6. taxi 7. trolleybus 8. lorry 9. subway 10. helicopterExplain the following words in Englisha truck with an enclosed cargo spaceExplain the following words in Englisha vehicle carrying many passengersa wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedal a small vessel for travel on water bus bike / bicycle boat ship van a vessel that carries passengers or freight an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead bladesExplain the following words in Englisha large truck designed to carry heavy loadsa car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money a passenger bus with an electric motor that draws power from overhead wires subway taxi trolleybus lorry helicopter a suburban railway, usually under the city Key words and phrases 1. destination n. 目的,目标;目的地;终点 2. permit v. 许可;准许;默许,允许,容许 n. 许可;执照 3. receipt n. 收据,发票; v. 开收据 4. return v. 回转,返回;送还 n. 归来,返 in return 作为报答;反过来 in return for 作为……的回报, 作为……的报答 Vocabulary review and practiceKey words and phrases 5. connect v.连接;联结(常与to, with 连用) 使……有联系; 为……接通电话;插入插座 be connected to 和……有联系 6. stick v.插入;刺入;粘贴;粘住; 容忍;放置;阻延或推迟 n.棍棒;棍枝;枝条;操纵杆;球棍 stick to 坚持(真理等);坚持干(某事) (后接动词-ing形式) Vocabulary review and practiceKey words and phrases 7. display vt.展示;陈列;显露;显示 n.展览;展览品;显示器;炫耀;显露; vi.(计算机屏幕上)显示 8. avoid v.避开,避免,预防 avoid doing sth. (跟名词或动名词) 9. explore v.探索;探究;研究;勘查; 仔细查看;探查(伤口等) Vocabulary review and practiceKey words and phrases 10. seem 似乎;好像;仿佛;装作 seem to 看起来像 11. in no time 立即;马上 in time 及时;迟早 in time of 在……的时候 in times of 在……时刻 ... ...

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