
Unit 1 It’s red 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:3491328Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。Module4 Unite1 It’s red.No.6 Middle School Miss Zhang多彩绳子颜色鲜,雨后弯弯挂蓝天,要问绳子有多长,这山搭到那山前。 谜底:Please guess the riddle 颜色colours学一学:red 红色的 yellow g r e e nb l u eblɑck white火眼金睛What’s missing?What’s missing?What’s missing?What’s missing?redblueLook and matchyellowgreenWhat colour ?What is this?It’s a cat.What colour ? It is …句 型+颜色It ’s red .It ’s yellowIt ’s green .It ’s blue . blue , blue , It ’s blue green , green , It ’s green.black , black , It ’s black.red , red , It ’s red .yellow ,yellow , It ’s yellow .Let’s chantwhite,white , It ’s white.Thank you! Bye-bye ^.^

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