
Unit 2 Going to school 第二课时(课件+教案+素材)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:16578760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳版英语五年级上册第二单元第二课时教学设计 课题 Going to school 单元 Unit 2 学科 英语 年级 五年级 学习目标 (1)使学生能正确认读单词train primary underground station。 (2)使学生能灵活运用句型:There is /are 重点 掌握train primary underground station 难点 There is /are...句子在情境中的运用 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Warming up(1)RevisionLet's guess 复习单词 根据给出的表格和例句进行对话,完成表格。 (2)Ask and answer用所学知识说一说你爸爸妈妈是怎么去工作的。A:How does your father go to work B: He goes to work ...A:How does your mother go to work B: She goes to work ...(3)Think and write 复习活动 让学生回顾复习之前所学的内容 讲授新课 Presentation1. Read a story 学习新单词train primary underground station 2. Match and say连一连说一说3.摘苹果 4.Look and read 教师呈现文本 5. Think about these questions She lives on Green Street.她住在格林街。 街道 on + 星期 具体日期 例子:on January 1st on SundayThere is an underground station near Ms Guo's home.有一个地铁站在郭太太家的附近。There be 句型结构: There is +可数名词单数/不可数名词 There are +可数名词复数小练习用 is/are 填空。1. There a picture on the wall.2. There many pictures on the wall.3. There lots of snow .4. There lots of pens in my bag.Then she takes Bus No. 12 to Spring Street.然后她乘坐12路公交车到达春之路。takes Bus No. 12= by Bus No. 12同义句: Then she goes to Spring Street by Bus No.12.8. Write T(ture) or F(false)1. Ms Guo is a student at Happy Primary School. ( )2. She lives on Spring Street. ( )3. There is an underground station near Ms Guo's home. ( )4. Half an hour she gets off at Spring Street Bus Stop. ( )Practice1. Think and number( )Finally she walks to her school.( )She walks to the station and takes the train.( )Ms Guo lives on Green Street.( )Then she takes Bus No. 12 to Spring Street.( )She gets off the train at Park Street Station.( )There is an underground station near Ms Guo's home.2.Complete the map根据短文,完成下面的地图。3. Draw and say画一画,说一说你家离学校远还是近。你是怎么去学校的。Learn the soundsListen, Little Wasp!This is my crisp. Please go away.It's not a good dayFor a wasp.To play on my crisp.判断下列红色部分是否发音相同,相同的打“T”,不相同打“F”。1. fast wasp ( ) 2. spring crisp ( )3. lamp speak ( ) 4. last please ( )5. English ship ( ) 6. map play ( )6.Let's say 根据给出的单词和句子,说一说你是怎么到达学校的。My school is far from /near my home. I go to school...7. 用所给词适当形式填空1. She (live) near here.2. Tony (draw) pictures well.3. Lily (go) to school by subway. 新课教授通过教授新单词,并加以巩固。教授故事内容交易巩固练习强化知识 在学习中收获乐趣 课堂小结 重点单词: train primary underground station重点句子: There is an underground starion near Ms Guo's home. 复习本节课的内容 巩固知识 板书 Unit 2 Going to school Period 2train primary underground stationThere is/are... 帮助学生简单回顾本节课内容 理清思路 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试 ... ...

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