
Module 1 My life Unit 1 Penfriends课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:27次 大小:32537088Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件12张PPT。Welcome to Elivias's Class1. Sit straight. Hands on the desk. Feet on the ground. 2. Keep silent when others are giving a speech. 3. Raise up yours hands if you want to share your opinions. 4. Don't be shy, have a try. 5. Try to speak English in everty sentence. September 4I enclosed a photo of myself and some of my school friends. I am in the middle. I also enclosed a photo of our school. It is beautiful, isn’t it? I hope you will write to me soon and tell me all about yourself. Yours sincerely JonRead the fourth paragraph and write T(true)or F(false) or DK(don'tknow) about the following statements. 1. Jon enclosed a photo of himself and his family members. (F) 2. Jon is in the right side. (F) 3. There are many beautiful buildings in Jon's class. (DK) Match the paragraphs with their main ideas.He gives information about his school, his favourite sports, his best subject and his ambition. He mentions the photos of himself and his school friends and of his school, and asks May to reply. Jon gives the aim of his letter (to be May’s penfriend) and some information about himself. He gives information about his family and home.Para 1 ? Para 2 ? Para 3 ? Para 4 ? Match the words with their meanings.Here is a conversation about Jon between May and her brother Danny. Complete Danny’s questions.How many brothers and sistersHow oldWhatambitionWhenWhereWhoBen loves to learn about different things. He is always asking a lot of questions. Help Ben complete his questions. WhereWhenWhoWhatMillie is looking at some pictures of Peter’s family. She is asking Peter some questions. Look at the answers. Complete the questions with Wh- words.WhoWhatWhereWhyHowWhen Complete the questions with How + adjective/adverb.How highHow farHow oldHow oftenHow deepHow longHow bigHow much Put a or an in the following blanks.anaanaa? When we meet letters or abbreviations, we should pay attention to the sounds, not the letters themselves. Put a or an in the following blanks.ana aanan? We sometimes use ‘an’ before words that begin with h if h is silent.5 Put a or an in the following blanks.aaan? We use ‘a’ before words that begin with eu or u if the first sound is pronounced /ju:/.

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