
模块5 Unit 2 The environment Reading 课件(17ppt)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:691015Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。Unit 2 The environment ReadingThe economy the environmentmust we choose?or1. What side does Mr Lin Shuiqing and Mr Qian Liwei each represent? Mr Lin represents the environment and Mr Qian represents the economy.Fast reading2. By how many times has the world’s population increased since 1800? Six times. 3. According to Mr Qian Liwei, What should be done to factories that pollute the environment? They should have to pay higher taxes.返回目录What is it?A. A speech. B. An advertisement. C. A television debate. D. A talk show.Reading and Comprehension reading: (read para.1)The order of today’s debate:Lin Shuiqing presents her points.Qian Liwei presents his points. Open the floor for discussion.Put the subjects each speaker talks about in the correct order. Lin Shuiqing recycling waste ___ chemical waste ___ population ____ fishing ___ water pollution ____ production ___614325Qian Liwei taxes _____ recycling waste _____ factories _____ production _____ laws _____53124Cut back on productionReduce the amount of thingsTeach people ways of living that do not harm the environmentWhat are Lin Shuiqing's suggestions?Recycle our waste Qian Liwei A bussiness development consultantProduce more things from recycled materials Need better laws Pay a higher price for some things Pay higher taxesWhat are Qian Liwei’s suggestions?Further discussion After reading the debate, which side would you like to choose? Can you give us some suggestions to protect the environment? Our best friendHealthy children一场关于环境问题的电视辩论 2.the Green Society 3. 按照我们一贯的辩论程序 4. 展开自由讨论 5. 大量的有毒化学物质 Translate the phrases:follow our usual schedule for debates open the floor for discussion large amounts of harmful chemicals 绿色协会 a television debate on environment 6. 下蛋, 产卵 7. 上涨了六倍 8. 削减生产 9. 担心目前的现状 10. 被视为环保反对派 11. 躲避对…的责任 lay eggscut back/down on productionbe concerned about the present situationbe seen/viewed/thought of as being against the environment hide from/escape one’s responsibility for sth. grow by six times12. 原材料 13. 乐意做某事 14. 环保产品 raw materialsbe willing to do sth.be friendly to the environmentWrite a report, calling on people to live in an environmentally friendly way.Homework:

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