
Unit 6 Meet my family! 复习课件+素材

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:95次 大小:10391615Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件36张PPT。Unit SixMeet my family!返回首页parentscousinbaby brotheruncleaunt返回首页家庭成员真不少,听我给你来介绍: 爸爸爸爸father,妈妈妈妈mother, 哥哥弟弟brother,姐姐妹妹sister; 叔叔和舅舅uncle, 姑姑,婶婶和阿姨,一个单词aunt来代替, 家人呵护关心我,记住称呼莫出错!跟我学返回首页 以前,外国人对宗教有着十分虔诚的信仰,常常流露出自己对信仰的真诚。他们每天早上起床时,都要说一句:“Father and mother, I love you.”渐渐地,人们简化了这句话,而用句子中每个单词的首字母组成了新的单词。于是“family”这个单词便诞生了。Family的由来father and mother I love you family 返回首页返回首页返回首页词汇练习你会回答吗?1.Father’s brother is your ? 2.Father’s father is your ? 3.Uncle’s son is your ? 4.Mother’s mother is your ?返回首页This is my uncle. He’s tall and strong.返回首页A:How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie? B:Three. My parents and me. A:My family has six people. B:Six? A:Yes. My dad, my mum, my sister, my baby brother and me. B:But that’s only five. A:And my little puppy! How many提问知多少 我们以前学过用how many询问人或事物的个数,那具体问“家里有几口人?”应该怎么说呢?我们可以用“How many people are there in your family?”提问。用“There are+数字+people.”回答,也可以直接回答数字。 例如: How many people are there in your family? There are four people./ Four.返回首页返回首页“How many+人/物(复数)+are+there+地点?”表示“在某地有多少人或物?”我们常用这个句型来询问在某个地方的人或物的数量。回答的时候可以用“There are…”或直接用数字回答。返回首页How many apples are there on the tree?返回首页数一数Read, listen and circle.返回首页me/he men/fan rice/facehad/hid make/Mike hot/noseuse/us case/cat man/mum返回首页元音字母长短音返回首页Listen and chant.We like the cat! It’s cute. It’s cute. He’s got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! It’s red. It’s red. Cut the cake. Give me the cake. He likes cake. We like it, too!nursecookfarmerdoctor返回首页driver返回首页工人worker在工厂,制造机器日夜忙。 教师teacher真辛苦,既教书来又育人。 农民farmer不怕忙,吃苦耐劳多收粮。 医生doctor真认真,对待病人似亲人。 护士nurse真细心,护理病人有耐心。 司机driver把车开,各地货物都运来。返回首页返回首页What’s his job?He’s a driver!返回首页这些人的职业你都知道吗?A:Is this your uncle, Sarah? B:Yes, it is. He’s a football player. A:What’s your aunt’s job? B:She’s a nurse. A:Is this your baby brother? B:No, it’s me!返回首页返回首页Is this…来提问 当你对身边的某个人或某物不确定时,就可以用“Is this…?”来提问。 问人时:肯定回———Yes, he/she is. 否定回———No, he/she isn’t. 问物时:肯定回———Yes, it is. 否定回———No, it isn’t. 注:文中用“Yes, it is.”来回答,这是因为张鹏对着照片中的人物向沙拉询问,此处it指的是照片中的人物。 返回首页话说职业 在日常生活中,职业是人们经常谈论的话题。那么,如何用英语谈论职业呢? 提问:What is+某人的+job? 回答:人+am/is+a/an+职业名词. 返回首页Is this your mother?Yes, it is.What’s her job?She’s a nurse.返回首页This is my family. My mother is a teacher. She is very friendly. My father is a basketball ... ...

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