
Unit 2 What time is it? PA Let's spell 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:99次 大小:3938304Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。Unit 2 What time is it?A Let's spellcakefacenamemake a /?/a_e /ei/-e /i:/ /e/ -e- i /i/ i_e /ai/ o / / o_e /?u/ cu /? /u_e /ju:/ underrunduckfun first thirty thirsty bird girl ir her 特殊发长音/?:/ /?:/irgirlnursebirdhamburger/?:/ ur/?:/ The bird is hurt.Please take the bird to the nurse.Let's chantThe bird is hurt, oh no! The bird is hurt, oh no! Little girl, little girl . Please take the bird to the nurse.irbdfgklmnstlvchthLet's readurbdfgklmnstlvchthLet's readI can spellru er _ir _ _num er ir ___ ___ i er ur __ _ i er ur ___ hldbbtgnrvttyths enumberLet's readbirdgnurserulerburgerafterriverirlgirlbirdnursehamburgerI can read1. The girl in the river.2. I have a bird and a hamburger.3. Take the bird to the nurse.4. My sister’s hamburger is under the computer.

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