
Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A Grammar Focus-4c 同步练习(基础+能力+提升))

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:48次 大小:127344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Grammar Focus-4c 练习 班级: 姓名: 小组: 分数: A卷:基础练习 一、默写短语(10分) 1至少 2.恐高 3.欧洲历史 4.美式英语 5.在众人面前演讲 二、根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(10分) 1. Jenny is h . She is always ready to help others. 2. Henry is very h and he often makes us laugh 3. It’s impolite to keep s when others ask you a question. 4. Sara used to be quiet, but now she is o . 5. The s of the basketball match is 45-52. 三、根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。(10分) 1. France and Switzerland are _____(Europe) countries. 2. I find it hard to make friends in a new school because of _____(shy). 3. How many _____(guard) are there at the gate 4. Now Mandy _____(dare) to go out alone at night. 5. Look! The reporter is _____(interview) Lily on TV. 四.单项填空。(30分) ( )1. Brad likes playing badminton a lot and he is _____ the school badminton team. A. from B. at C. on D. with ( )2. We all know lazy people _____ succeed, so we should work hard to be successful. A. often B. seldom C. usually D. always ( )3. Mr. Liu has taught us English _____ he came to our school. A. until B. because C. though D. since ( )4. Anna studied day and night in order to get good _____ on her exams. A. scores B. ways C. reasons D. exercises ( )5. My little sister the room, because it's too dark outside. A. dare not leave B. dare leave C. dare to leave D. dare not to leave ( )6. The flowers some water because they haven't been watered for many days. A. gain B. request C. rescue D. require ( )7. I keep dogs for protection, but now I keep them as pets. A. would rather B. had better C. used to D. have to ( )8. -- Can you understand me -- Sorry. I can understand what you've said. A. nearly B. easily C. hardly D. exactly ( )9. Gina used to _____ on weekends, but now she is used to _____ insects with her friends. A. watch TV; studying B. watching TV; studying C. watch TV; study D. watching TV; study ( )10. It’s interesting _____ the cultures of different countries. A. learn B. to learn C. learns D. to learning ( )11. I saw my neighbor Uncle Lu _____ in the park yesterday morning. A. to run B. to running C. running D. runs ( )12. The best way of _____ the problem is by asking the teacher for help. A. dealing with B. agreeing with C. looking up D. giving up ( )13. Tina still plays the piano . A. in danger B. over and over again C. from time to time D. in person ( )14. Mike _____ more than 800 people in the last two years. A. is interviewing B. has interviewed C. will interview D. interviews ( )15. —Jack is really humorous. —_____. I think he is boring. A. Good luck B. I’m not feeling well C. I don’t think so D. Good idea B 卷拓展提升 五、根据句意及所给汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。(16分) 1. Miss Smith talked about her experience _____ _____(在公众面前) for the first time. 2. I often see Tom _____ _____(闲逛) in the street. 3. How can you _____ _____(应对) sad feelings 4. Tina said she _____ want to be my friend _____(不再). 5. They _____ _ ... ...

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