
Unit3 Travel journal warm-up 课件与教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:50次 大小:14001463Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 黑龙江省哈尔滨市 邱尚瑛 教学目标 Look at the pictures please ! What transport form do you usually take when you travel 教学目标 Look at the pictures please ! What do you think to travel by bike/plane/train 教学目标 1. What transport form do you usually take when you travel 2. What do you think to travel by bike / plane / train 3. Why do you like to take it 4. What is the advantages of the transport form you take 5. What is the disadvantages of the transport form that you You mentioned. Answer these questions 教学目标 1. What transport form do you usually take when you travel Answer these questions When I go travel around the city which I live in, I usually travel by bike. When I go travel out of the city which I live in, I usually travel by train. 教学目标 1. What transport form do you usually take when you travel Answer these questions When I'm going to travel far away from the city which I live in, I'll take a plane to go there. 教学目标 2. What do you think to travel by bike Answer these questions I think to travel by bike is very cheap and convenient and I can go anyplace where I want to go. However, it will take much time to finish a trip if we travel by bike. 教学目标 2. What do you think to travel by train Answer these questions I think to travel by train is very comfortable. I can see the scenery when I’m sitting in a train and talk with others, I can take a walk on the train if I like. It is not very expensive but fast. 教学目标 2. What do you think to travel by plane Answer these questions I think to travel by plane can save much time, and I can view the scenery of the cloud when the flight is flying. Sitting in a plane is very comfortable and convenient just like stay at home. 教学目标 5. What is the disadvantages of the transport form that you You mentioned Answer these questions I think to travel by bike is too slow and takes us much time. To ride a bike in the road is not very safe, and the haze will be not good for our healthy. 教学目标 5. What is the disadvantages of the transport form that you You mentioned Answer these questions If the journey is too long distance, to travel by train is more comfortable, but it is hardly anyone can enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. And the compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. 教学目标 5. What is the disadvantages of the transport form that you You mentioned Answer these questions To travel by plane is very fast indeed, but it’s dangerous than other transport form, and even hardened travelers are intimidated by them. In addition, to travel by plane is the most expensive form of transport. 教学目标 The topic -- travel and travel journey. 1. Did you have a journey during the holiday of the National Day 2. Where did you go 3. Did you go journey by train or by plane 4. Why were you taking the train/plane 5. When were you leaving 6. Where were you stayin ... ...

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