
Lesson 1 At the clothes store 课件

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:96次 大小:3425868Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。Unit3 Lesson1 At the clothes store北师大(三起点) 五年级上册(单击图片可播放动画)A: How much is it ? B : It’s 20 yuan. A: How much are they? B : They’re 80 yuan. captrousers>>Lead-in我会描述These trousers are nice and cheap.Those trousers are too expensive.¥20¥ 100Clothes store服装商店>>PresentationLet’s learnThose clothes are nice, Mom. Let’s have a look.No, Ann. This store is too expensive.看图片对话Saler :Can I help you ? Ken: Do you have any trousers? Saler :Yes , we do. Ken: But these trousers are too big. Do you have any smaller ones ? Saler : Yes,we do. Let’s sayWhat size?>>PresentationLet’s learn观看课文动画,回答以下问题。What ?How much?How much is it?答案A shirt B trousersA 20 yuan B 5 yuan(单击图片可播放动画)A 80yuan B 18yuanWhat ?A cap B a ballLet’s read Ann: Those clothes are nice, Mom. Let’s have a look. Mom: No, Ann. This store is too expensive. Ann: Look, Mom! These clothes are nice and cheap! Mom: OK! Let’s have a look. Ken: Do you have any trousers? sales: Yes, we do. Ann: Ken, Those trousers are too big. Do you have any smaller ones? Sales: Yes, we do. What color would you like? Ken: Blue, please. Mom: They look good . How much are they? Sales: They’er 80 yuan. Ann: Do you have any caps? sales: Yes,we do. What size would you like? Ann: Er…small.Ann: I like this cap. How much is it? Sales: It’s cheap. It’s only 20 yuan. Ann: This is for you, Mocky. Mocky: Thank you, Ann. I like it a lot, but it’s too big. 读课文连线Match and Say(单击图片可播放动画)Sales :Can I help you ? You: _____ ? Sales :Yes , we do. What color would you like? You: _____? Sales : What size would you like? You:_____. _____? Sale : 10 yuan. Fill in the blanks>>HomeworkcloseRetell the story by yourself.Chant to your friend.chant感谢指导

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