
Unit 6 How do you feel? PB Let’s talk 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:54317616Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit6 How do you feel Part B Let's talk Step1: Warming up Enjoin a song "If you are happy" T: I'm your English today. I'm so happy today. Are you happy Girls, are you happy You are "Happy Girl" Boys, are you happy You are "Happy Boy" Let's have a Pk. Ok Are you nervous Let's take a deep breath. 渗透“take a deep breath" Game "Shout out the words" Step2: Presentation T: Look! Do you know who is he Ss: San Mao. How does he feel Ss: He is _____. T: San Mao has a good friend.She always says" Don't be_____"替换 请学生说 Step3: Practice T: You are so great! Can you be good friends Now let's help them. Don't be _____. 后面出现You should_____. T: Can you be my friend T表演两个表情 学生举手提建议 让一个学生说自己感受 教师引出What's wrong 对话 引导学生 Step4:Pair work 给两个版本学生自己选 (给tips) Step5:Let's try T: You did good job. You are good friends. Now, what time is it Ss: It's 7o'clock.It's time to get up. But Sarah's father is still sleepy. What's wrong Listen and choose. 教师读题 Check the answer. Step6:Let's talk T: Yes, they going to the zoo.Sam is so happy. But, look at the picture, is Sam happy Can he go to the zoo T读题 Let's have a look. Check Read and repeat Step7:Chant T: How does San Mao feel Ss: He is so happy. He likes singing and dancing. Let's chant with him. Step8: Group work T: Boys and girls, do you have a friend We alway say " A friend in need is a friend indeed." Can you help your friend 小组讨论 派代表report A: What's wrong B: I'm ill. A: Don't be sad. You should see a doctor. tips: A: What's wrong B: I'm angry. A: Don't be angry. You should see a doctor. A: I'm tired. B: You should take a trip. hungry thirsty worried cold tired eat something drink some water wear warm clothes take a trip(课件网) Unit 6 How do you feel PartB Let's talk sad happy angry sad afraid sad happy happy angry worried Let’s play! 大声说出单词 bad sorry A: How does San Mao feel B: He is _____ angry sad afraid happy ill (not well) Don't be_____ afraid Let’s ... Don't be_____. sad Don't be_____. angry You should _____ take a deep breath. Don't be_____. worried What’s wrong He should see a doctor. Let’s_____ go to the hospital. What's ,what's,what's wrong I am , I am , I am ill. Don't be sad.Don't be sad . You should see a doctor. What's ,what's,what's wrong I am ,I am , I am angry. Don't be angry.Don't be angry . You should take a deep breath. Let’s chant! Pair work A: I’m sad. B: What's wrong A: I'm ill. B: Don't be sad. You should see a doctor. A: Thank you! hungry thirsty cold worried afraid angry eat some food drink some water wear warm clothes take a deep breath tips: Let's try How does Sam feel A. He’s happy. B: He’s sad. Let's talk Let's talk He is ill. How does dad feel What should he do He should go to the hospital. Let's read and repeat 5 5 5 5 5 Let's read and repeat 5 5 5 5 5 He/She is_____. Let’s write 1 3 2 Don’t be_____. You should_____ tips: hungry thirsty cold ill angry afr ... ...

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