
Unit3-1 Travel journal warm up 学案与同步练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:57次 大小:305152Byte 来源:二一课件通
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21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 3 Travel Journey 黑龙江省哈尔滨市 邱尚瑛 学案与同步练习 Unit 3-1 Warm up I. Finish the chart according to the phonetics given, don’t look at your textbook. 请不要看教科书根据所给音标完成下列表格。 phonetics words Chinese [ tr nsp :t] [pr f ] [ d s d v nt d ] [ m d n] [d sa d] [t ɑ:t] 【参考答案】 phonetics words Chinese [ tr nsp :t] transport 运送;运输 [pr f ] prefer 更喜欢;宁愿 [ d s d v nt d ] disadvantage 缺点;劣势 [ m d n] imagine 想像;设想 [d sa d] decide 决定;决心 [t ɑ:t] chart 图表 II. Match the words or phrases with the words or phrases at the right. 1. the part of a river which is flows Qinghai and Tibet in China. 2. a river which flows through China, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam. 3. a river which is the mother river in Harbin 4. a long river with the Three Gorges 5. cause somebody to adopt a course of action       6. plan for an activity or event    7. a failing or deficiency       8. not responding to something  9. make, or come to a decision about something       10. elevation above sea level or above the earth's surface a. scheduleb. determinec. persuaded. Lancang River e. Songhua Riverf. Yangtze Riverg. altitudeh. Mekong Riveri. shortcomingj. stubborn 【参考答案】 1. the part of a river which is flows Qinghai and Tibet in China. 2. a river which flows through China, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam. 3. a river which is the mother river in Harbin 4. a long river with the Three Gorges 5. cause somebody to adopt a course of action       6. plan for an activity or event    7. a failing or deficiency       8. not responding to something  9. make a decision about something       10. elevation above sea level or above the earth's surface d. Lancang Riverh. Mekong Rivere. Songhua Riverf. Yangtze Riverc. persuadea. schedulei .shortcomingj. stubbornb.determineg.altitude III. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below in brackets and translate them into Chinese. 1. When you _____ Shanghai (离开去) 2. What you _____ do this afternoon (打算) 3. She _____ start from Harbin next week. (准备) 4. How long you _____ stay in Beijing (计划) 5. Perhaps we _____ for two weeks, _____to Nanjing. (会在那儿呆;然后再去 ) 6. Ever since high school, I _____ he beautiful rivers and mountains of our motherland by bike.(梦想着游遍) 7. When Mary _____ (回来) 8. We _____ to Australia after graduation.(准备去旅行一次) 【参考答案】 1. When are you leaving for Shanghai 你什么时候去上海? 2. What are you going to do this afternoon 你今天午后打算干什么? 3. She's going to start from Harbin next week. 她准备下周从哈尔滨启程。 4. How long are you going to stay in Beijing 你计划在北京呆多长时间? 5. Perhaps we will stay there for two weeks, then move on to Nanjing. 我们可能会在那儿呆上两周,然后再去南京。 6. Ever since high school, I have dreamed of traveling around the beautiful rivers and mountains of our motherland by ... ...

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