
Unit 3 I like my computer 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:13次 大小:5066127Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件25张PPT。Welcome to my class!Unit 3 I like my computer.I can email my friends.I can send greetings.countriesI can find out about countries.Learning Tipsearly [?:] search [?:] 同学们在学习新单词时,要善于归纳总结以前学过的相同发音字母的单词。 search for a lot of thingscomputeremail my friendssend greetingssearch for a lot of thingsfind out about countriesWrap upListen to part Bwatch a videoplay gameslisten to musicshop onlineWhy does Peter feel happy ? Listen and answerPeter can…with his computer.Listen and speak1.He can search for a lot of things.2.He can find out about countries in the world.can 情态动词 能够,可以ReciteT or F A: I can read many books on my computer. ( ) B: I can email my friends. ( ) C: I can play games day and night. ( ) D:I can buy a lot of clothes on my computer.( ) E:I can search for many things on my computer. ( ) Practice温馨提示:Don’t play computer games too often. It’s bad for your eyes! 少玩电脑游戏,因为它对眼睛有害!Thank you!

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