
2017--2018学年译林版选修六unit 3 understanding each other 知识点复习课件(26张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:98次 大小:161252Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Unit 3 understanding each other 知识点复习Step I Summary of the textCultural differences mentioned in the text: Thanksgiving presents wedding Thanksgiving is _____ _____ Americans will become quite excited whenever it comes to this topic while the British may feel rather puzzled, not knowing what it is held in celebration of. On this day, the Americans will have a huge dinner, enjoying the delicious turkey. Thanksgiving a traditional American festival, which has something to do with celebrating the first harvest after the settlers from the Europe went to live in the USA.Presents In the west, it is considered rude not to open a present when someone is given one. The westerners would like to see the person’s reaction. We Chinese just do the opposite. However, there exist differences when people attend weddings. In the UK, the guests are supposed to give their presents to the newly-weds, while in Italy, the newly-weds are expected to give their guests presents as a souvenir to remember the big day. In China, people usually sit together to have a huge banquet to celebrate weddings. But guests have to sit separately in Brunei. Food and soft drinks are served, but no alcohol. They usually wouldn’t get much sleep as they play the drums for hours, sometimes all night. Wedding Step II During class A: Key words, expressions and sentences. 每当谈到这个话题时他就格外兴奋。 When(ever) it comes to (doing) sth 就…而言,谈到… He gets quite excited whenever it comes to this topic._____ (谈到上大学) to university, parents_____ _____ (家长的期望几乎是相同的)their children.When it comes to going have almost the same expectations ofPour some cold water on his face--he’ll soon come to (himself). It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along. I never expected those few items to come to so much. A- There’s been another terrorist bomb attack. B- Really? I don’t know what the world is coming to.regain consciousness; come to his senses; come back to life The idea came to her that…It occurred to her that…total (up to), add up towhat situation the world is reaching2.看新来的外教努力适应这个动作的样子是很滑稽的。 It’s quite funny watching the new foreign teacher trying to adjust to doing that. adjust (itself) to changes in temperature and adjust your speed accordingly ( to them)②The body can quickly_____ _____.(自行调节以适应气温的变化 )adapt (itself) to①Watch out for sharp bends_____ _____ . (并且相应地调整你的速度)③然而,随着搬迁到那里的老年美国人增多,更多的变化发生了以迎合他们的需要。(M9U2) However, as the number of older Americans moving there increases, more changes/ adaptations/ adjustments are made to cater to them.3. 你有机会参加击鼓和跳舞,聆听他们传统的英勇故事。 You will have the opportunity to take part in the drumming and dancing, and listen to traditional accounts of bravery as well as play games.on account of ; account for ; on no account ; take sth. into account/consideration ; give sb a full account of ①She _____the polic ... ...

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