
Module 3 Unit 1 Where did you go? 教学设计

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:86次 大小:35328Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新标准小学英语第五册第三模块教学设计 教学目标 知识与技能目标: (1)能听、说、认读本课的重点单词:the British Museum, the London Eye, wheel, wonderful, understand, postcard; (2)能正确使用动词过去式;能利用What did you do Where did you go 询问别人过去做的事情。 方法与过程目标: 能根据多媒体课件呈现的图片句子,听、说相应的单词,能运用What did you do Where did you go 询问过去的事情,并能利用动词过去式熟练表达过去所做的事情。 情感态度与价值观目标: 培养学生学习的兴趣,鼓励学生积极合作,引导学生了解西方的名胜古迹。 教学重点 词汇 the British Museum, the London Eye, wheel, wonderful, understand, postcard 及动词过去式; 句型:What did you do at the weekend Where did you go ? 教学难点 掌握本课的新单词,动词过去式的变化。 教学准备 多媒体课件、小奖品 教学过程 (一)热身活动 1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Ms Lin. T: How are you Ss: Fine, thanks. 2. Sing a song: London Bridge is falling down. 3. Free talk (二)导入 1多媒体课件呈现单词weekend, 教师问学生: T:Look at this word, please. Do you understand Ss: It’s weekend. T: Do you like weekend Ss: Yes. T: What do you usually do at the weekend Ss: I… T: What did you do at the weekend Ss: I… 引导学生用过去式回答问题。 T: Now let’s guess who it is S: Amy. T: You are so smart. Do you want to know what Amy did at the weekend Let’see Module 3 Unit 1,try to know Amy’s weekend now. Listen to the tape and point to the words, choose the right answer: What did Amy do at the weekend A. She watched TV B. She visited lots of places. 3. Listen to the tape and read after the tape, complete the sentences: Where did Amy go She went to . She visited and . Amy sent a to Daming. Lingling liked best. 新课 4. presenting the new words(1)T : Amy’s weekend is very nice. She visited lots of places. Lets see the wonderful places. 多媒体课件呈现三个地点图片,但是学生可以选择任何一个图片的序号猜地点。 T: Now please guess the places ,youcan choose the number and guess. S1: Number 1. T: What’s this S1: It’s the British Museum. 以同样的方式呈现the London Eye, Big Ben。 教师领读几遍。然后请学生读课文句子: We went to the British Museum.And we visited Big Ben and the London eye. (3)多媒体课件呈现postcard, wheel, wonderful, understand T: I have a postcard, my friend sent me last Monday. There’s a picture on it. Please listen to me and guess what it is: It’s wonderful! 多媒体课件呈现单词wonderful. 教师利用句子I will go to London next year, it’s wonderful. 来引导学生理解词义。 It’s a big wheel. 多媒体课件 呈现单词wheel. 多媒体课件图片解释wheel. T: Look, it’s a wheel, it can turn round and round. 然后问学生: Do you understand 引出单词understand。 T: If you understand, please nod your head, if you don’t understand, please shake your head.教师用动作示范。 T: Who understand Please tell us. 请学生说说卡片中是什么。 巩固练习 1.当学生已经明白单词含义后,让学生开始认读单词:利用课件快速闪现单词,要求学生快速整体认读。然后请一个学生抽取单词,另一个学生猜测,如果不对,下面的学生大声朗读进行纠错。 2. ... ...

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