

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:48次 大小:59904Byte 来源:二一课件通
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定语从句复习 学习目标:1.了解定语从句的概念 2.清楚关系代词与关系副词的区别,并能正确使用。 学习重点:能够在具体语境中熟练运用定语从句。 学习难点:在具体语境中正确使用关系代词和关系副词。 考点分析:语法填空中的准确运用;写作中的灵活运用。 Part 1. 课前预习:定语从句的定义及其关系词的使用 Step 1. 分析下列句型: 1. I can’t remember everything (that) happened during the time in university. 2. The film is about a spy (whose) wife betrays him. 3. Barbary was working in Beijing, (where) she went daily in a bus. 4. He said that he had never seen her before, (which) was not true. 5. English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of (which) uses it somewhat differently. 总结: 在复合句中,用来修饰_____和_____的从句叫做定语从句。被修饰词叫_____, 用来引导定语从句的关联词叫_____。定语从句分为_____和_____。 Step 2.关系词的用法总结: 关系代词 先行词(指人或物) 在从句中充当什么成分 例句分析 who 指人 作主语 The boy who is standing there is my cousin. whom The man (whom) you met yesterday is Mr. Smith.The boy (whom) you are looking for is hidden behind the tree. whose =( )whom =( ) Do you know the boy whose father is an engineer He lives in a house whose windows face south. that I don’t know about the man (that) you mentioned.A plane is a machine that can fly. which The pen (which) my uncle gave me is missing.Children like to read books which have wonderful pictures. 关系副词 先行词 在从句中充当的成分 例句分析 when =( ) I will never forget the day when/on which I joined the Party. where =( ) The factory where/in which my father works is in the east of the city. why =( ) None of us know the reason why/for which Tom was absent from the meeting. 注意:先行词为时间、地点时,引导词不一定都要用when或where引导,要判断它在定语从句中的句子成分。如果引导词在定语从句中作主语或宾语,就要用which 或that。 请分析下列句子中应该使用的引导词: 1. This is the factory _____we visited last year. 2. This is the factory _____we worked last year. 3. This summer _____I spent in Italy is so hot. 4. Is this the shop _____sells children's clothing 5. This is one of the largest rooms _____I've ever slept in. Part2 课堂讲练 Step1 warming-up She may be the most gorgeous (美丽动人的) First Lady_____ I have ever seen. She is a famous folk singer, _____ fans are everywhere in the country. I still remember the day _____ I first saw her as the First Lady alongside her husband in Africa airport _____ they were warmly welcomed. She dressed very well, with taste and confidence, _____ is one of the reasons _____ I like her. Step2关系词在语法填空中的应用2007—2012年广东高考卷语法填空 1. Cursing my misfortune, I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to __32__ should have the honor of receiving me as a guest in their house. (07广东卷) 2. The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to _35__ small town some 20 kilometers away ___36___ there was a garage. (07广东卷) 3. Jane pau ... ...

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