
Unit3 My weekend plan PB Read and write 优质课+教案+精讲优练

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:37649644Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教(pep)三年级上册(2017) 人教(pep)六年级上册 Unit 3 My weekend plan B Read and write & Let’s check Let’s sing What will you do this weekend Maybe I’ll take a trip/go shopping/…. 教学目标 Free talk 在一般将来时的句子里,“will+动词原形”与“be going to+动词原形”都可用来表示要发生或要做的事情; 而后者侧重于打算或计划去做某事。 如:这个周末我们将游览长城。 We’ll visit the Great Wall this weekend. We’re going to visit the Great Wall this weekend. (侧重于计划或安排) 可能 教学目标 Pre-reading What are these holidays National Day Spring Festival Christmas What do your family do on these days take a trip set off fireworks see a film go shopping Holidays visit my grandparents Many families often get together on these days. When do your family get together Do your family get together on Mid-Autumn Festival Here is Yifan’s diary. 教学目标 While-reading 划出吴一凡的家人 Read and circle: 圈出家庭成员 教学目标 While-reading Read and underline: 用横线画出他们要进行的活动。 My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. 教学目标 Let’s learn get together have a big dinner My aunt is going to make mooncakes. My grandma will tell us a story about Chang’e. 教学目标 Let’s learn Robin and I are going to read a poem. 教学目标 Let’s learn Read and fill in the table She is going to make mooncakes. She will tell a story about Chang’e. They are going to read a poem. 注意人称的变化 Sunday Dear Diary, Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. 教学目标 Listen and imitate My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. 教学目标 Listen and imitate My aunt is going to make mooncakes. My grandma will tell us a story about Chang’e. Robin and I are going to read a poem. 聚在一起 吃月饼 教学目标 Listen and imitate This is our poem: 教学目标 Let’s discuss What are you going to do for Mid-Autumn Festival I’m going to… eat mooncakes visit my grandparents tell a story get together with my family have a big dinner Write down your plan here. 写下你们的计划。 Word bank eat mooncakes visit my grandparents buy gifts get together with my family have a big dinner read a poem enjoy the full moon 赏月 教学目标 Listen and follow 在双音节词和多音节词中,读的时候你会发现它们的发音并不是平均用力,有的音节须读得重些,有的音节要读得轻些。读得特别响亮的音节叫做单词重音,使用重读符号 “'”来表示。 单词重音 双音节词的重音一般在第一个音节上 如:'Chi-na, 'les-son, 'din-ner 少数双音节词的重音在第二个音节上 如: to-'night 三音节词的重音一般也在第一个音节上 如:'in-teres-ting 'fam-i-ly 少数三音节词的重音在第二个音节上 如: to-'mor-row 单词重音 教学目标 Let’s check Listen and tick 教学目标 Let’s check Fill in the blanks 教学目标 Let’s wrap it up Make up sentences with the following words. (用下面的单词造句,至少5句。) e.g. What is he going to do 教学目标 Homework 假如明天就是圣诞节,在这天你或者你和同学们打算做些什么呢?仿照课本内容以日记的形式写下来。 Dear Diary, Tomorrow is Christmas. My class are going ... ...

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