
Unit 5 What do they do? Story time 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:42次 大小:2969027Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。Unit 5 What do they do? (Period 1)Family song Sing a song:1.What’s your name? 2.How old are you? 3.What do you like? 4.What does your father like? 5.What can your father do? Let’s talkLet’s guessShe’s a teacher. She teaches . 教He’s a driver. He drives a . She’s a farmer. She has a .He helps sick people. 帮助 生病的人 What does he/she do? He’s/She’s a …He’s a doctor.Let’s guessShe’s a nurse.She helps sick people, too. He is a writer .He writes stories 作家写故事Play a game大声说出你看到的职业图片,当看到图片 时拍手两下。 ? Look at the picture, _____and _____are talking about their parents’ _____. Hobbies Jobs (职业)BWhat do they do? Watch and circle(他们是干什么工作的?)What do they do? (他们是干什么工作的?) He’s … /She’s ….Watch and circlewriterfactory workerteacher doctorTask1:Ask and answer:工厂What does he/she do? He’s / She’s a … 1. Mike’s father teaches( ) A. Maths B.English C.Chinese 2. Mike’s mother ( ) stories. A. reads B.write C.writes 3.SuHai’s father helps( ). A. sick peoples B.people C.sick people 4.SuHai’s mother makes ( ) A. cakes B.clothes C.sweets BCCCTips:可以用铅笔在文中画出重要的单词。Task2: Read and choose. Task3:Think and write. P50 Mike’s father is a . He English. Mike’s mother is a . She stories. SuHai’s father is a . He sick people. SuHai’s mother is a factory . She sweets.teacher teaches writerwrites doctor helps worker makes 评价标准: 1.可以流利地叙述一幅图得1朵 2.可以流利地叙述两幅图得2朵 Task4:Retell the text. What else jobs do you know?Let’s share工作jobS工作 basketball player singer dancerSummary(动词怎样变成名词)teach teacher work worker sing singer play player wait waiter drive driver dance dancer … … 20年后,我们相聚了,聊一聊各自的状况吧。 Practice in groups.I am a policeman.I help people.I am happy. I am a … People work to make life better. Respect every job. 人们工作让生活更美好,尊重每一份职业 Let’s remember工作Homework2.Write a passage.Introduce your family members’ jobs and ages.写一篇短文介绍家庭成员的工作、年龄等。 1. Recite story time 背诵story time

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