
Project 2 My snack bar 课件

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:98次 大小:2818028Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。 Project 2 My snack bar Let's describe任选一个你喜欢的人物图片,用学过的句子来描述一下他吧!snack barsnack barfooddrinksLet's play30-second Non-Stop Talking Rules: Work in groups of 4. Each student says one word about food or drinks one by one. Tips: No repeating Time: 30 seconds Susan'sLet's talkWhat?Where?How much?Susan'sLet's guess和你的小伙伴一起讨论,然后用下面的句型 来猜一猜吧! Is it in/on...? Are they in/on...?Let's ask¥ 8¥ 12¥ 20¥ 40¥ 9¥ 7MenuHow to make a sanck bar? Step1: Choose food and drinks. 选择你要卖的食物和饮料。 Step2: Put them in the right position. 将他们放在合适的位置。Step3: Give them the reasonableprice. 给他们标上合适的价格。Let's designStep1: Choose food and drinks. 选择你要卖的食物和饮料。 Step2: Put them in the right position. 将他们放在合适的位置。Step3: Give them the reasonal price. 给他们标上合适的价格。Let's ask & answer和你的同桌一起讨论你的小吃店吧! ... A: What do you have? B: I have... A:Where is/are ...? B: It's/They are in/on... A: How much is/are...? B: It's/They're... ...Let's show Do a role-play with your friends. 四人一组,选择一个你们认为最棒的小吃店,一起表演一个话剧吧! TiP: 店主1,顾客3 Scene(场景): 一天放学后,你和你的小伙伴又饿又渴,看到了一个小吃店 ....... 你可以借用下面的句子: A. at a fruit shopB. at a toy shop根据课文内容,四人一小组合作创编对话, 只需选择一场景。(A/B/C)C. at Lily’s snack barhealthyunhealthyDiet cures more than the doctor. 合理饮食, 胜过良医。Homework Let's do1.用英语向你的爸爸妈妈介绍你的小吃店, 并让他们给你做出评价。 2.课后继续表演,下节课进行表演大比拼!Thank you !

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