

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:74次 大小:4345344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件46张PPT。第四讲 思维可视化在英语写作中的运用 英语写作教学存在哪些问题? 英语写作教学中的问题1.对写作教学欠重视 2.缺乏整体教学目标 3.写作前输入不充分 4.写作方法缺少指导 5.写作后活动太单一 英语新课标对写作技能的要求初中英语写作技能分析 WHAT are we required to teach in writing ?Writing HOW to make writing easier? Three stages Three devices Five strategies Writing “335” THREE stages Three devices “CPM” Chunking Pictures Mind map Five strategies(EMAHPs) Extension(拓展) Metaphor(比喻) Alliteration(头韵) Hyperbole(夸张) Parallel structure(平行结构)We do homework. We like doing homework. We like doing English homework. We like doing interesting English homework. Extension do homework I tell a story. I tell her a story. I told her a story yesterday. I told her an interesting story yesterday. I told her an interesting story about my childhood yesterday. tell a storyMetaphorWhen Mary is shopping , she is like _____. Lisa is as beautiful as _____. AlliterationMy English teacher is /h/_____,_____and _____ . My best friend is a/an /k/_____,_____and _____man.HyperboleYao Ming is as tall as _____. He is so hungry that he can eat _____. Parallel structure: 3 adj.s Tom is a /an ____,_____and _____man. “Pride and prejudice ” is a/an ____,___and ____ book.Parallel structure: 3 -ing endings My hobbies are _____,_____and _____. I am good at _____,_____and _____. Parallel structure: 3 -to infinitives We can use computers to ___,____and _____. Students are asked to _____,_____ and _____ in class. 二、文段写作训练1. One day , Sammy _____(go, hike) in the mountains.2. He _____( find, stone ). It _____( look like ) a big egg.3. The egg broke open .A small animal _____( climb out ).It was a dinosaur ! Sammy _____( call ,”Dudley”)4. Dudley_____(hungry).He ate and ate grew and grew. He _____(bigger) than Sammy.One day, _____Sammy went hiking in the mountains, he found a stone. It looked like a big egg. _____the egg broke open _____ a small animal climbed out .It was a dinosaur ! Sammy called it ”Dudley”. Dudley was _____hungry. He ate and ate grew and grew. _____, he was bigger than Sammy. whenThen andalways Soonhave a picnic /in autumnplay snowman/in wintereat ice cream/in summertake a trip/in springLink wordsFirst/ Firstly Second/Secondly Third/ Thirdlyand , not only... but also;howeverFor example/besides / what’s more/ what’s worsefirst, then/next, after that,finally1.Cormorant fishing is a traditional Chinese skill._____, few young people are interested in doing this type of work any more. 2.Not many years ago, you hardly ever saw computers. _____they seem to be everywhere. 3.There are many tiny, hidden computers in your home ,_____you might be unaware of them. _____,there may be one inside your TV set ,telephone ____washing machine. Please fill in the sentences with the proper link words.HoweverNowbutFor example or 篇章写作训练 Beginning Ending Body Good beginning is half done. 1.Nowadays, It’s very important /useful to … 2. I want to share my ... ...

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