
2011年高考英语总复习大纲版知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测:第二册unit 5 the british lsles

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:22次 大小:106987Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第二册 Unit 5 The British lsles I.单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器 高考须掌握的词汇:1.power 2.mistake 3.narrowly 4.European 5.generally 6.influence 7.basic 8.prove 9.Employment 高考须掌握的短语:1.of 2.made 3.most 4.together 5.in 6.by/from Ⅱ.考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川 考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分 一、重点词汇 1.consist vi.由……组成,由……构成eg: This club Consists of more than 200 members. 这个俱乐部由200多个会员组成。 His diet consists mainly of btead and vegetables.他的饮食主要由面包和蔬菜构成。 用法拓展:consist of由……组成,由……构成 consist in在于, 存在于consistent with和……一致的特别提醒:consist of没有被动形式。 consist of—be made up of由……组成,由……构成 案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三 考题1-1 ( 典型例题 分 ) The opening province which thirteen countries and three coastal cities will quicken its paces of economic development. A. consists of B. makes up C. is included D. is contained 考题1-2 Class One 68 students went to the Science Museum for a visit yesterday. A. formed B. making up of C. consisting of D. consisted of 考题1一1点拨:答案为A。此题考查consist of..由……构成”。B项make up“构成……,组成……”应改为be made up of,c项“包括”应改为主动形式include。句意为:“这个开放省份,包括13个县和3个沿海城市,将加快它的经济发展步伐。” 考题1—2点拨:答案为c。此题考查consisting of用作定语,且无被动形式。句意为:“由68个同学组成的一班昨天到科学博物馆去参观了。” 2.innuence vt影响 n.影响,有影响的人或事 eg:My parents influence msde me study science at coUege.由于我父母的影响,我上大学学了理科。 Environment is a great infIuence on his character.环境对他的性格有很大的影响。 相关链接;influential adj.有影响的,有势力的 用法拓展;have(an)influenee on/upon对……有影响 have a good in fluence on…对……有好的影响 have a bad influence on…对……有不好的影响 have influence over…对……有约束力,支配力 考题2 (典型例题verheating develop-ment might, have a bad on the national economy. A. cause B. influence C. result D. factor 考题2点拨:答案为B。此题考查have(an)influence on…。对……有影响”。句意为:“过热的发展可能会对国家的经济造成有言的影响。” 3.judge vt.判断n.法官,裁判员,鉴赏家 eg:She is a good judge of wine.她是一个很好的鉴别酒的专家。 Don’t judge a person by/frOE hjs appearance.不要以貌取人。 Judging ftom what he said,we considered Kim right.从他说的来看,我们认为他是正确的。 相关链接:judgement n.判断力,判断用法拓展:judge…by/from从…”判断 judgrog from/by…根据……判断,常用作状语 in one’s judgement在……看来,经……判决特别提醒.judging from/by…根据……判断,放在句首用作状语, 只用-ing形式,无被动形式。 考题3 (典型例题) __his behaviours, he is from South China. A. Judged from B. Judging from C. To judge from D. To be Judged from 考题3点拨:答案为B。此题考查judging by/from“从一…判断”,用作状语。句意为:“从他的举止来看,他来自华南地区。” 4.approach优.向……靠近;接近eg: The old man is approaching ninety.那位老人年近九十岁。 The time for graduation is approaching.毕业的日子近了。 相 ... ...

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