
七年级上册Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?(4课时表格式教案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:77次 大小:82975Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    学 科 英语 年 级 七年级 设计者 时 间 课 题 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag A2 计划学时 2课时 重 点 1.正确使用代词it/they来指代单、复数物品。强化学生对名词数的概念的理解以及be动词的正确使用。2.让学生重点感知完整的语境,学习语音、语调和相关的语言知识。 课 标要 求 .学会合理摆放自己的物品,养成保持房间整洁的好习惯。 课 时目 标 熟练运用本单元所列日常用语 引 桥突 破 通过单元表示房间物品陈设的主题图片学习单词,利用图片提供语境进行听力训练,通过两人一组角色扮演的方式,用图片情景练习句型,提高英语听、说能力。 教 法 多媒体课件 学 法 教师引导,学生自主学习,教师再总结 教学内容及过程 群体智慧设计 个性化批注 教学过stepI. Warming upLeading in 【情景1】Warming up by talking about the things in the picture.T:Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr./Ms.XX.T:(Show the picture,review the words.)What’s this S1:It’s a bookcase.T:What are these S2:They’re books.T:Where’s the pencil box Ss:It’s in the schoolbag.T:Where are the books Ss:They’re on the sofa.T:Is my book on the table Ss:No,it isn’t.It’s under the table.In this way,the teacher asks the class to review the words and the target languages. Leading in 【情景2】Warming up by reviewing the new words.1.T:Hello,everyone!Good morning/afternoon!Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr./Ms.XX.T:Let’s dictate the words.Where,schoolbag,table,sofa,chair,bookcase,bed,under.2.The teacher puts the things everywhere and asks the class questions to review talking about where things are.T:Look!Where’s my English book Ss:It’s on your desk.T:Where are my keys Ss:They’re in your jacket.T:Are my pencils in the box Ss:Yes,they are.StepⅡ.Listening (2a-2b)1.Before listeningT:Please look at the pictures.What are they in English Pointing to each picture and asking students to say the words.T:In Picture 1,what’re these in English Ss:They’re books.T:What about Picture 2 What are these Ss:They’re keys.The teacher reminds them of the plural form words or the articles.Asking “What’s this ”or “What are these ”.2.Listening activitiesT:Listen to the conversation for the first time.Number the things [1—6].Play the tape and get the students to listen to the conversation and number the things according to the order they hear them.T:What comes first Ss:…Check the students’ work.3.Show some pictures to express the positions of things. T:Look at the pictures.Where’s the mouse Ss answer the questions with on/in/under.T:Now,please listen to the conversation again.Find the things from 2a and number them 1—6.The teacher plays the tape again,and pauses if necessary.And check the students’ work.T:Now,what’s the girl’s name in the conversation Ss:Helen.T:Is the boy’s computer game on the table Ss:No,it isn’t.T:Are his books in the bookcase Ss:No,they aren’t.4.After listeningT:Now let’s repeat the dialogue.You should follow the teachers’ pronunciation and intonation.The teacher replays the tape for Ss to repeat after the tape.The teacher corrects some pronunciation problems.T:When we read where – questions,we use t ... ...

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