
外研版(三年级起点)小学英语三年级上册 Module 10 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:50次 大小:41984Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module10单元检测 一、 选出不同类的选项。(10分) (  )1.A.am B.are C.arm (  )2.A.four B.foot C.five (  )3.A.head B.hand C.here (  )4.A.mother B.father C.mouth (  )5.A.brother B.driver C.farmer 二、读一读,连一连(10分) 1.no(同音词)      A.pupil 2.eye(同音字母) B.know 3.new(对应词) C.on 4.teacher(对应词) D.old 5.in(同类词) E.I 三、读句子,选择正确的答案(40分) ( )1. This is _____ leg. A. he    B. his    C. she ( )2. This is _____ nose. A. he B.her C. she ( )3. This is my _____. A. hands B. head C. arms ( )4. Point _____ your foot. A. to B. in C. at ( )5. This is _____ panda. A. a B. the C. an ( )6. I’ve got a new _____. A. car B. cars ( )7. We’ve _____ a football. A. got B. can ( )8. Can I play _____ your jigsaw puzzle? A. at B. with .( ) 9. Be_____ ! The tree A. care B. careful ( ) 10. This ___Wang Jing. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 11. Can I play ____ your computer game? A. with B. to C. from ( ) 12. In ____. We use a knife and fork. A. England B. English ( ) 13. Do you use _____ in China? A. a knife and fork. B knife and fork ( ) 14.L ook .The ducks are _____ now. A. coming B. comeing ( ) 15. Do you want _____? A.noodles B.noodle ( ) 16、What’s your name? A. Hello B. My name is Li Ming C. Hi ( ) 17、How are you? A. Hello! B. Thank C. Thanks ( ) 18、 Where is my book? A. On the desk B. Pink C. Pencils ( ) 19、What colour is it? . A. Yellow B. Six C. Thanks ( ) 20、_____the door. A. Open B. Three C. Chairs 四、选词填空 (20分) at , in , on, for, to, with,over, out 1.Look ____ the blackboard. 2.____ China, we use chopsticks. 3.He’s got tests ____ Fridays. 4.Please _____ your seat. 5.You can play _____ my computer game. 6.Look at those ducks ____ there. 7.Get _____! These ducks are very naughty. 8.Let’s make a cake _____ Mum and Dad. 五、连词成句(10分) 1.is This head her A B C D _____. 2.is grandpa This your A B C D _____. 3.your leg to Point A B C D _____. 4.his that Is book A B C D _____? 5.sister Is her a doctor A B C D E _____? 六、 读句子,写出其汉语意思(10分) 1.This is his head. _____ 2.This is my hand. _____ 3.This is her nose. _____ 4.Point to your arm and your foot. _____ 5.This is a panda. _____ 试卷答案: CBCCA BEDAC 1—5 BBBAA 6—10 AABBA 11—15 AAAAA 16—20 BCAAA 四、1、at 2、In 3、on 4、to 5、with 6、over 7、out 8、for 五、1、BADC 2、CADB 3、DCAB 4、CBAD 5、BCADE 六、1、这是他的头。 2、这是我的手。 3、这是她的鼻子。 4、指向你的胳膊和脚。 5、这是一只熊猫。 参考答案 听力材料: 一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。) 1.hand 2.eye 3.nose 4.leg 5.foot 二、Listen and number.(听录音,请给熊猫的身体部位标上序号。) 1.This is his ear. 2.This is his hand. 3.This is his eye. 4.This is his nose. 5.This is his arm. 6.This is his mouth. 7.This is his leg. 8.This is his foot. 三、Listen and match.(听录音,连线。请把Li Ming和 Wang Hong与他们的物品相连。) 1.This is his pen. 2.This is her cat. 3.This is his desk. 4.This is her cake. 5.This is his present. 6.This is her cap. ... ...

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