
四川2018高考人教新课标英语夯基训练:选修6 Unit 4 Global warming【4份打包】

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:82次 大小:680333Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    四川2018高考英语夯基训练:选修6U4【A】含答案 选修6Unit4【A】含答案 Unit 4 【高考水平预测】 完形填空 One day in winter, a couple of good friends headed for a frozen lake nearby to skate on ice. The boys were between five and ten years old. When they were skating, one of the boys headed deeper into the lake, but __1__ he found himself skating on very __2__ ice. Before he could __3__ it, he had fallen through the ice into the icy water below. Having seen this, his friends __4__ towards him but could not get him out of the lake __5__ the ice layer had formed back and the boy was __6__ under the transparent layer. They could see him __7__ but could do nothing to help him. Then one of his friends __8__ to see a tree in the distance. He skated to it as fast as he could, __9__ a branch and then with all his __10__ he started digging into the ice. His work proved __11__ and he managed to make a hole __12__enough to pull his friend out.21世纪教育网版权所有 By the time the ambulance arrived, a small crowd had gathered. They were all __13__ the rescuer for his __14__and calmness. However, they were all surprised as well, and __15__ how a young boy could break such a big branch. __16__, the branch was bigger and heavier than what a person of that age group could carry, drag it to the spot and __17__ it again and again to hammer a hole in the ice. It looked like a superhuman __18__. How? How did he manage to do it? It was impossible! During the __19__, an old man spoke up, “I know how he did it.” Everybody looked at him in __20__. The old man said, “He could do it because there was nobody around him who said he couldn't!”【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 1. A. unfortunately       B. probably C. unfairly D. hardly 2. A. cold B. heavy C. light D. thin 3. A. stand B. realize C. clear D. protect 4. A. shouted B. laughed C. rushed D. waved 5. A. because B. though C. if D. unless 6. A. sent B. pushed C. trapped D. seated 7. A. shaking B. struggling C. trying D. breathing 8. A. seemed B. continued C. wanted D. happened 9. A. borrowed B. touched C. broke D. climbed 10. A. strength B. wealth C. interest D. freedom 11. A. true B. successful C. attractive D. risky 12. A. bright B. deep C. large D. round 13. A. praising B. comforting C. encouraging D. advising 14. A. honesty B. bravery C. generosity D. knowledge 15. A. imagined B. replied C. imitated D. wondered 16. A. Obviously B. Hopefully C. Delightfully D. Occasionally 17. A. throw B. raise C. turn D. knock 18. A. sign B. lesson C. effort D. idea 19. A. performance B. break C. meeting D. discussion 20. A. advance B. silence C. despair D. belief [文章大意] 小男孩是怎么做到别人认为不可能的事情的呢?因为没人说他做不到。 1. A。不幸的是(unfortunately),小男孩发现自己在一处很薄的(thin)冰上滑冰。 2. D。参见上题解析。 3. B。小男孩还没反应过来,就掉下去了。realize“明白,认识到”,符合语境。 4. C。其他几个男孩看到同伴掉到水里都冲(rushed)了过去。 5. A。空处后为“could not get him out of the lake”的原因,故用because。21·cn ... ...

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