
Unit 1 Can I have some sweet?课件+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:64次 大小:6217174Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件19张PPT。111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Module 6WY 四年级上册 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?1. Listen, point and say.Do you want some soup?No, thank you.Do you want some sweets?Yes, please.讲解 /su?p/ n. ( 名词) 汤[ 四会]知识点 1I like vegetable soup. 我喜欢蔬菜汤。 字母组合ou 在soup 中发/u?/。 have some soup 喝一些汤 so ( 如此) + up ( 向上) = soup例句:发音:短语:加法记忆法: 汤就这样(so)向上(up)舀起喝。2. Listen, point and find “can”.Amy: Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have some soup? Mum: Sorry, you can’t. Amy: But I’m hungry. Can I have some sweets, please? Mum: Sorry, you can’t Amy: But Mum, I’m very hungry! can I have some bread? Mum: Sorry, you can’t. Amy: Mum, I can’t see. It’s very dark. Mum: Well, turn on the light. Mm. Come here, Amy. Friends: Happy birthday, Amy! Amy: Thank you. Mum: Now you can have some sweets and some cake. Amy: Thank you, Mum.— Can I have some soup ?我能喝些汤吗? — Sorry, you can’t. 抱歉,你不能。知识点 2讲解否定回答:这是由can 引导的一般疑问句,用来询问对方是否允许自己做某事。这里的情态动词can 有“允许,许可”的意思。后面同样跟动词原形。 Can I + 动词原形(have, play等)( + 其他)? Sorry, you can’t.句型结构:Can I …? 句型用法:讲解—Mum, can I go to the park with my friends? — _____ A. No, I can’t.  B. Yes, I can. C. Sorry, you can’t.C/'s?ri/ exclamation ( 感叹词) 抱歉,对不起[四会]讲解Sorry, I can’t play basketball. 对不起,我不会打篮球。 worry担心 字母o在sorry中发/?/音。例句:形近词:发音:/bred/ n. ( 名词) 面包[四会]知识点 3讲解I have bread and milk for breakfast. 我早餐吃面包,喝牛奶。 字母组合ea 在bread 中发/e/。 read 读书 b + read(读)= bread(面包)例句:形近词:发音:加法记忆法: 讲解cake 蛋糕people 当“人,人们”讲时,是集体名词,表示 复数意义,两个或者两个以上的人用people。联想记忆法: —Would you like some_____ ? —No, thank you.   A. book  B. bread  C. appleB点拨: Would you like some...?问别人想要些什么。some既可以修饰可数名词复数,又可以修饰不可数名词,故选B。/la?t/ n. ( 名词) 灯[四会]知识点 4讲解例句:Please turn on the light. 请打开灯。 right(右边的), night(夜晚), eight(八), light(灯) lamp 灯 light 明亮的近义词:一词多义:整体记忆法: 3. Listen and say.Can I have some soup, Mum?Sorry, you can’t.Now you can have some sweets and some cake. Happy birthday, Daming!4. Practise.A:Can I have some...? B:Yes, you can. / Sorry,you can’t.(动口、动手能力)邀请朋友做客。 每人准备几种招待朋友的食物图片,被邀请者猜一猜对方用什么来招待自己。 参考图: 示范语言: A:Can I have some bread? B:Yes, you can. A:Can I have some sweets? B:Sorry, you can’t.一、单项选择。 1. Please turn _____the light. This room (房间) is dark. A. left  B. off  C. on 2. I can’t see anything (看不见任何东西). Please turn on the _____. A. light  B. night  C. rightAC点拨: turn left 向左转; turn off 关闭; turn on 打开。从句子情景看,应该选C。二、给下列单词选出正确的图片。 ( )1. brea ... ...

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