

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:80次 大小:1526039Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    国际英语精英赛 International English Elitist Tournament 初赛·小学B组 听音拼词/理解 比赛得分 A B C D 总分 比赛时间:30分钟 满分:40分 A. 听音填词。请仔细听录音,根据听到的音,填出所缺的字母。每个单词填写2个字母,只读一遍,(每题1分,共10分。) 例如:f o o d 1. b _ _ t ; 2. he_ _t; 3. v_ _ ce; 4. t_ _ th; 5. sh_ _t; 6. _ _gry 7. w_ _m; 8. w_ _ t 9._ _ gue 10. c_ _cle B.听音写词。请仔细听录音,根据听到的音,迅速写出完整的单词。每个单词读两遍,(每题1分,共10分。) 11._____; 12._____ 13. _____ 14._____ 15._____ 16._____; 17._____ 18. _____ 19._____ 20._____ C. 听句子填词,请仔细听录音,根据听到的音,迅速写出完整的单词。每个句子读两遍,(每题1分,共10分。) 21. I want to be a _____. 22. Tom likes playing football but Sam likes playing _____. 23. Every day, I have a _____. 24. His hands are long but his legs are_____. 25. I often have my _____ at school. 26. Children’s Day is on the first day of _____ . 27. My teacher is very kind and also _____ with us. 28. Don’t have too much _____. It’s unhealthy 29. I can borrow this book from the _____. 30. I often help my mother to do some _____ at home. D. 听对话选择。请仔细听录音,根据听到的对话,从A,B,C中选择正确的答案回答问题,每段对话读两遍,共5个小对话。(每题2分,共10分。) ( )31. Who is going out of the classroom? Ben B. Mick C. Lisa ( )32. What is Sam doing? He is _____. drawing B. writing C. reading ( )33. What is Ben doing? Ben is _____. drawing a picture B. doing his homework. C. watering the flowers ( )34.Who is Lisa? She is _____. my friend B. my sister C. Mary’s sister ( )35. Where is Linda? Linda is standing next to the _____. window B. blackboard C. desk 31. B, 32. A ; 33. A ; 34. C ; 35. A 阅 读 理 解 比赛得分 A B C D E F 总分 比赛时间:30分钟 满分:40分 A. Read and match. 仔细读句子,从A-E五幅图中选出与句子描述对应的图,将图片下面的字母写在对应的句子前面的括号里。(每小题 1分 共5分。) ( )1.The girl is watching TV at home. A ( )2.She is playing with a cat. B ( )3.The monkey is in a tree. C ( )4. The teacher is having a math lesson. D ( )5. The boy is taking a photo for a girl. E B. Read and Choose.仔细看图,选择正确描述图片的句子,在句子前面的括号里打“√”。(每小题1分,共5分) 6. ( )A. He is doing his homework. ( )B. He is reading a story book. 7.( )A. This is a school. ( )B. This is a hospital. 8.( )A. They are have dinner at home. ( )B. They are having dinner in a restaurant. 9.( )A. She likes riding a horse. ( )B. She likes riding a donkey. 10. ( )A. James had some fruits and a cake for her breakfast. ( )B. James had some milk and some fruits for her breakfast. C. 仔细看图,在下面描述图片的句子前正确的写"√",错误的写"×"(每小题1分,共8分) Koala Statue of liberty panda Big Ben Cherry blossom flag Great wall soldiers ( ) 11. Koala is a lovely animal in England. ( ) 12. Statue of Liberty is in America. ( ) 13. This is a Chinese giant panda. ( ) 14. The Big Ben is in Australia. ( ) 15. Cherry blossom represents Japan. ( ) 16. It’s a British flag ( ... ...

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