
人教新目标版英语九年级unit 6 When was it invented section B(1a-1e)公开课课件(ppt+音频+视频)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:19次 大小:8797348Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件27张PPT。When was it invented? Section B(1a-1e)Unit 61.会听说读写下列词汇:crispy; salty; sour; by mistake; customer;thin enough; salty enough; make the customer happy; in the end; potato chips 2. 能正确使用语法要点中的句型: (1)Potato chips were invented by mistake. (2)The customer thought the potatoes thin enough. (3)The customer said they were not salty enough. (4)George wanted to make the customer happy. (5)The customer was happy in the end. 理解并讨论薯条的发明。熟练运用语法要点中的句型和他人对话;一般过去式被动语态的用法。 learning aims:adj. 脆的;酥脆的 adj. 咸的 adj. 酸的;有酸味的 错误地;无意中 n. 顾客;客户 Words andExpressionscrispysaltysourby mistakecustomerTask 1、目标呈现Pre-class 根据汉语提示写出下面单词、短语 1)酥脆的 2)咸的 3)酸的 4)甜的 5)客户,顾客 6)错误地 7)足够薄的 8)使顾客高兴 9)撒许多的盐 10)被由谁发明 11)很长一段时间 12)最后 crispysaltysoursweetcustomerby mistakethin enoughmake the customer happyput lots of saltwho was it invented byfor a long timein the endWhat’s this? How does it taste? It is lemon. It tastes sour.potato chips What’s this? How does it taste?crispy, salty What’s this? How does it taste?sweet ice creamsalted duck egg saltyWhat’s this? How does it taste?Write the name of a different food after each word.sweetcrispysaltysourbanana, watermelonpeach,cucumber potato chips, salted eggsorange, lemon1bT F Listen and circle T for true or F for false.1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. 2. They were invented in 1863.T F 3. The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough.4. The customer said they were not salty enough.5. George wanted to make the customer happy.6. The customer was happy in the end.T F T F T F T F 1cback in 1853.loved thepotatoes.didn’t want Listen again. Complete the sentences.The History of Potato ChipsDo you know how potato chips were invented? Potato chips _____ by a cook called George Crum. They were invented in _____. George Crum cut the potatoes really, really _____ and then cooked them for a long time until they were _____. Finally he put lots of salt on them so they were _____.were invented1853thincrispyreally salty1d再听录音,补全对话。Boy 1: Hey, did you know that potato chips were invented _____? Boy 2: Really? What do you mean? Boy 1: Well, here on the bag it says that they were invented by _____ called George Crum. Boy 2: When was that? Boy 1: Oh, it was back in 1853. Boy 2: So, why was it an _____? Boy 1: Well, one day, a customer came in to the restaurant where George worked. He ordered a plate of fried potatoes. When the potatoes came, he said they _____ too thick and sent them back to the kitchen. Boy 2: So what happened? Boy 1: Well, George was angry, so he cut the potatoes really, really thin, and he cooked them for a long time until they were _____. And he put lots of salt on them so they were really _____. He thought the customer would hate them. Boy 2: And? Boy 1: And the customer loved them and asked for more. He told the other cust ... ...

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