
Unit 3 My friends PC Story time 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:73次 大小:4921344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件32张PPT。Unit 3 My friends C Story time人教版四年级上册大同市南郊区西韩岭学校 张丽琼bigsmalltallshortlongshortthinstrongGuess It’s small and white. It has two red eyes. It has a short tail. It has two long ears. Who is it?rabbitturnip['t?:nip] Wow! It’s so big. It’s too big. I can’t pull it up.pull [pul] Q: Can the rabbit pull it up?Because it’s too big.No.Q : Why?Now he needs help! Look! Some friends are coming.Who are coming?Monkey, Dog, Cat and Zip. We are coming!Can they pull it up?One, two, three, pull!NO!They need a strong guy!Guess! Who is he?ZoomI’m a strong guy!Work together!Hooray![hu:'rei] 万岁Part C: Story timeturnip ['t?:nip] 萝卜 pull [pul] 拉 come on 加油 Hooray [hu:'rei] 万岁Let's read the story on P.31. Follow the tape. F. Wow! It’s so big!C.Oh, it’s too big. I can’t pull it up.D. Come on, friends. Please help me.E. One ,two, three, pull!A. I’m strong. Let’s work together.B. Hooray!F.C.D.B.A.E.F.Show time Repeat the story One day ,the rabbit find a big turnip.But he (can can’t) pull it up.His friends are coming.They (can can’t) pull it up,too. is coming.They work together and pull up the turnip.Hooray! Let us work together, the world will be more beautiful 让我们共同努力,世界将更美丽。1.Try to imagine what they will do after pulling? 试着想象下拔完萝卜后他们会做些什么?Homework:Good bye!!!

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