
Unit 2 Be helpful at home! 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:90次 大小:4086784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。 Unit2 Be Helpful at Home陇西县城关第二小学 路晓斌 Learning aims1.学习单词 make the bed sweep sweep the floor dish do the dishes water the flowers clean the windows cook the meal wash the clothes 2.通过句型掌握单词; 3.能够借助所学词汇在日常生活中进行简单的交流整理床铺She is making the bed.New words打扫;清理Can you sweep the table? 扫 地He can sweep the floor.盘;餐具There is a dish on the table.洗餐具Xiao Ming can do the dishes.浇 花She is watering the flowers.擦窗户Who can help me clean the windows?做 饭My mom often cooks the meal.洗衣服You must wash the clothes. Bomb game ( 炸 弹 游 戏 )wash the clothes cooks the meal clean the windows do the dishes make the bedwater the flowerssweep the floor What can you do ?I can clean the windows. What can he do ?He can do the dishes What can she do ?She can make the bed What can ...do ?... can ... Summary1.掌握了有关打扫卫生的单词。2.学习了有关表达打扫卫生的简单句型。 Homework1.熟读单词。2.默写单词Thank you!

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