
A letter to Jean

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:75次 大小:3838271Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    A letter to Jean Step 1 greeting Hello , boys and girls . Nice to meet you. you’re so lovely. It’s the first time to have an English class with you. I think we’ll have a lot of fun learning English. I’m Nancy. I’m from Mount Putuo. It is a good place. Nanhai is a good place too. I love Nanhai. Do you love it? Ss: yes . Now , I’m in Nanhai. Yesterday, I was in Dinghai. Tomorrow, I will be in Mount puotuo. What day is it today? S1: It’s Tuesday . What day will it be tomorrow? S2: It will be Wednesday. What’s the weather like today? S: It’s sunny. The weather report says the fine weather will last from December 8th to December 12th. I’m very happy it will be sunny on December 12th. It’ll be my birthday. I will have a get-together with my friends. Maybe I’ll get a lot of birthday cards. Have you got any birthday cards? Ss: yes. I was born on December 12th ,1978. It was the year of horse. When were you born? S:I was born on … 1996. It was the year of rat. I was born on …1995. It was the year of pig. T: How old are you ? When were you born? S: I’m 14 years old. I was born on… It was the year of rat. Howmany animals are ther to symbolize the year? Let me show you the different animals. (introduce some of them) Say according to the information given: Tom, 16 years old, Jansuary 16th, 1994, dog Tom’s father, 42 years old, March 21st, 1967, pig Tom’s mother, 40 years old, October 27th, dragon T:Can you see any snakes outside now? S:NO. T: They’re sleeping now. because it is winter now. When is winter? Winter lasts from December to February. Winter is from December to February. When is spring? Spring lasts from March to May. Summer lasts from June to August. Autumn lasts from September to November. Most children like summer and winter. What about you? And why? Yes, we have summer holiday and winter holiday in the two seasons. And which holiday is longer? Yes, summer holiday is longer than winter holiday. But this term is long. It is longer than last term, and last term is shorter than this one. It is December now. We’ll have some important holidays from now on. What are they December 26th--Christmas Day Janusuary 1st --New Year’s Day during the winter holiday--Spring Festival And which holiday is longer, Christmas holiday or Spring Festival? And which holiday is more important for Chinese? But for people in western countries, Christmas holiday is more important for them. What do people do during the Christmas holiday and the Spring Festival? Describe them with the given phrases: 1.Christmas holiday 2. make dumplings 3.have a get-together 4. put on new clothes 5. visit relatives or friends 6.Christmas card 7.give or get lucky money 8. bring presents to children 9. Father Christmas 10. Christmas tree 11.put on plays 12. eat big dinner 13. set off fireworks (放鞭炮、焰火) Yes, we Chinese love spring Festival very much. But before that we students should study hard. You see, at the end of this term you usually work hard on your exams, be ... ...

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