
Unit 3 What color is it ?课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:64次 大小:6290523Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件30张PPT。What color is it ?Starter Unit 3 Col orsredbluewhiteyellowblackgreenpurpleblack and whitebrownMatch:将下列单词和颜色匹配red yellow green 4. blue 5. black White Brown purpleSUVZYW1aXTListen and repeat. A:What’s this? B: It’s . A: What color is it? B: It’s red. red.A: What’s that? B: It’s . A: What color is it? B: It’s black .V1bblack and white.SsTtVvWwXxYyZzWhat’s this? What color is it?和同桌一问一答说出字母及颜色。1CUu1c和同桌一问一答说出物品及颜色。Pairwork:A: What’s this ? B:It’s a/an --. A: Spell it,please. B:--. A: What color is it? B: It’s --.1cWhat coloris it?什么颜色?它是black and white.It is黑白相间。它是It ’s此句用于:询问物体颜色。 It指上文所提到的物体。其答句中心内容是颜色,颜色前不加 a/an.is it…是疑问句形式,而 it is…是陈述句.Note:S sTtuVwUVWXYZxy/es//ti://ju://vi://dΛbju://eks//wai/2aListen and repeat.Letters 字母z/zi://zed/ ListeningListen and number the letters you hear [1-8] 听录音,按听到的顺序给下列字母编号[1-8] 234567812bHow to write the letters Ss-Zz? (怎样写字母Ss-Zz?)注意笔画和笔顺!2cWrite the missing big letter or small letter for each pair WwUuSsYytTzZxXvV2dDo you know what these letters mean?你知道这些字母是什么意思吗?2elargemediumsmallUnidentified flying objectChina Central TelevisionUnited Nations123redgreenyellowSay what colors they are. (说说五环的颜色)412345Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Africa非洲Australia澳洲America美洲Color the picture.1. _ _日依山尽, 河入海流。 2.日出江花 胜火,春来江水 如 。 3.等闲识得东风面,万 purple千 总是春。 4.满面尘 grey 烟火色,两鬓苍苍十指 。 诗境色话white redredyellowgreenblueblack black tea green hand white coffee grey hair A black sheep 红茶新手加牛奶的咖啡白头发1. a green hand ( ) A.老手 B.新手,生手 C.脏手 2. a white night ( ) A.黑色的夜 B.不眠之夜 C.灯火通明 3. a blue Monday ( ) A.高兴的星期一 B.幸运的星期一 C.倒霉的星期一 BBC害群之马,败家子Different meanings 3aListen and color the things in the picture.blueredyellow3bcup3cListen and complete the chart..jacketbrownquiltpurplepengreen看图说话:The pen is _____.It’ s ____ _____ pen.blueblueaThe map is _____.It’ s ____ _____ map.ayellowyellowaThe ruler is _____.It’ s ____ _____ ruler.aredredThe jacket is _____.It’ s ____ _____ jacket.ablackblackThe key is _____.It’ s ____ _____ key.ayellowyellowThe apple is _____.It’ s ____ _____ apple.greengreenWhat’s this in English? It’s … Spell it, please. … What color is it ? It’s … Do you discribe it?. 你会描述它吗?a pen P-E-N blueK-E-Yyellow a keya rulerR-U-L-E-Rreda jacketJ-A-C-K-E-Tgreena quiltQ-U-I-L-Twhitea cupC-U-PRed.The pen is blue.It ’s a blue pen.The key is yellow.It’ s a yellow key.The ruler is red.It’ s a red ruler.The jacket is green.It’ s a green jacket.The quilt is white.It’ s a white quilt.The cup is red.It’ s a red cup.3d4aFind the letters from A to Z .Write the small letter next to each big letterQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz4bS X ( Z )incupWruler blueno4c字母所含的元音音素归类 [ai](2个) I i Y y [ei](4个) A a H h J ... ...

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