
Unit1 My Classroom PA Let's learn 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:38次 大小:3752960Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件39张PPT。Unit1 My classroomA Let’s learnI’m going to school. classroom 教室I like classroom ...What’s in the classroom? 教室里有什么?lightwindowboarddoorWhat’s in the classroom?window w i n d o wmany windows Clean the windowboardsgreenboardblackboardwhiteboardThis is a....Clean the boardWhat’s in the classroom?windowblackboarddoordoorsOpen the doordoorOpen the windowLight 灯How many lights can you see?I can see_____.6 lightspicture 图画ABC picturesPut up the picture!Put up张贴 classroom light picturewindow blackboard doorWhat’s in Zoom and Zip’s classroom?pictureWhat’s missing?Door, door, open the door. Light, light, turn on the light. Window, window, close the window. Picture, picture, put up the picture. Blackboard, blackboard, clean the blackboard.Do and guess做一做猜一猜Clean the blackboard!Homework: 1. 朗读Let’s learn的单词5次并签名。 2. 用今天所学的单词和句子与同桌说一说自己的教室。 3.抄写今天的单词每个5遍。Thank you.

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