
Module 2 My favourite things 同步练习(含听力书面材料及答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:76次 大小:128117Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津上海版 5B周末卷 2 Class _____ Name _____ No _____ 听力部分 Ⅰ. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词,词组或句子,将字母代号写 在前面的括号内): ( ) 1. A. [ he ] B. [h ] C. [be ] ( ) 2. A. [la t] B. [bra t] C. [le k] ( ) 3. A. chick B. chicken C. pick ( ) 4. A. white eggs B. lay eggs C. small eggs ( ) 5. A. catch flies B. catch a fly C. catch butterflies ( ) 6. A. There were some ducklings. Now there are some ducks. B. It was a duckling. Now it is a duck. C. They were ducklings. Now they are ducks. ( ) 7. A. Mother hen lays some eggs. B. Mother hens lay some eggs. C. Mother hen lays an egg. ( ) 8. A. It was a white egg. Now it is a white silkworm. B. It was a white silkworm. Now it is a silkworm cocoon. C. It was a silkworm cocoon. Now it is a moth. II. Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在前 面的括号内): ( ) 1. A. Leaves. B. Rice. C. Worms. ( ) 2. A. Cocoons. B. Silkworms. C. Butterflies. ( ) 3. A. It was sunny. What colour was the sky B. It was sunny. What colour were the clouds C. It was rainy. What colour were the clouds ( ) 4. A. What comes out of the cocoon B. Who makes a cocoon C. What do the eggs become III. Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案,将字母代号写在 前面的括号内): ( ) 1. A. Yellow. B. Black. C. Brown. ( ) 2. A. Fifteen. B. Five. C. Fifty. ( ) 3. A. From their mother. B. From the eggs. C. From the sea. ( ) 4. A. The raw meat was nice. B. The raw meat was not nice. C. The raw meat was on the fire. IV. Listen and write(听一听,写出听到的单词完成句子): It was spring in the fruit garden. There _____ some white flowers on the trees. They looked so beautiful. Now it’s summer. The weather is hot. There are many pink _____ on the trees. _____ pick them and sell them to the market. People buy and _____ them. How sweet and juicy! V. Listen and choose(听一听,选择合适的答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号 内): ( ) 1. There are many _____ in a house. A. mouse B. cats C. mice ( ) 2. The cat catches _____ mice. A. much B. all the C. many ( ) 3. Who has a good idea(主意) A. A man B. A young mouse C. An old mouse ( ) 4. What is the idea A. Put the bell on the cat B. Put the bell on the door. C. Play with the cat ( ) 5. Who will put it on the cat A. The old mouse. B. The young mouse. C. No mice. 基础部分 I. Write down the words(根据音标写出单词): 1. The _____ [t k] likes eating worms. 2. Look, these _____ [d ks] are swimming in the river. 3. It was an _____ [eg]. It was small and white. 4. _____ [we ] is the duckling I can’t find it. 5. The silkworms can _____ [me k] a lot of silk. II. Read and write(读一读,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空): 1. The insect _____ (be) on the leaf. Now it _____ (be) in the blue sky. 2. Let’s _____ (make) a paper plane. I like _____ (make) it very much. 3. _____ (you) have got some crayons. _____ (you) are colourful. 4. There are _____ (30) boys in the playground. Look, the _____ (30) boy is running fast. 5. May _____ (have) an English lesson every day ... ...

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