
Unit 5 There is a big bed PB Let's learn 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:68次 大小:18778779Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件30张PPT。What's in Zhang Peng's bedroom?Let’s singA photo of meThere is/are ...inWhere is the ball?There is a ball in the box.It's in the box.ReviewonWhere is the ball?There is a ball on the box.It's on the box. underWhere is the ball?There is a ball under the box.It's under the box.Help Zhang Peng tidy up the room. 帮助张鹏一起整理下凌乱的房间!Task 任务Where is the ball?It’s in front of the chair.in front of 在……前面There is a ball in front of the chair.Let's learnIt’ s in front of the desk.Where is the chair?Where is the ball?It’s behind the chair.behind 在……后面There is a ball behind the chair.Where is the fan?It’s behind the table.Where is the ball?It’s above the chair.above 在……上面There is a ball above the chair.Where is the photo?It’s above the bed.Where is the ball?It’s beside the chair.beside 在……旁边There is a ... . It’s beside the bed.Where is the table?There is a ... .Where is the ball?It’s between the chairs.between 在……中间There is a ... ./i:/beef bee cheeseWhere is the lamp?It’s between the sofas.There is a ... .A: Where is the ball? B: It’s _____.Pair work (同桌合作)Describe your position.(说说自己的位置) I am …. Jerry is the plate.介词大考验on Jerry is the cheese.underLook! Jerry is the bottle.inTom is lying(躺) Jerry.behindFind and say(书上52页)in front of behind beside above between near next to on in There is a cat behind the door.There is a cat between the chairs.house grandparents chairs tree cat dog flowers bike photo Help Zhang Peng tidy up the room. 帮助张鹏一起整理下凌乱的房间! There is a …Task fulfillment (完成任务)Group work (小组合作)A clean room!A clean room!方位介词 : in front of beside behind between above There be 句型 在There be句型中,be动词的单复数由紧跟 在be动词后面名词的单复数决定。 例如:There is +名词单数。 There are +名词复数。 出现并列主语时,用 “就近原则”。 例:There_____a pen and two books on the desk. There____ two books and a pen on the desk.isareSummary for the class Copy the words of Let’s learn. 2. Talk about your bedroom with your friends. 3. Tidy up your room and descript it t0 your parent.整理并向父母描述自己的房间。 HomeworkThank you. Good bye

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