
Unit 1 This is my new friend? Lesson 4 课件+教案+素材+练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:100次 大小:8941153Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    【精品】四年级上英语(教案) Unit 1 This is my new friend. lesson4 人教(精通)(2014秋) 教学目标:1.学生能用What does your father do ?He is a… 询问职业,并简单作答。 2.学生能在生活情 景中灵活运用这些功能语句进行交流:句型What does your father do ?He is a… 【教学重点】掌握以下句型: What does your father do ? He is a teacher/ postman/ farmer… 四会单词: teacher, farmer, postman 的掌握 【教学难点】1.学生知道怎样在实际生活中运用今天所学句型。 What does your father do ? He is a teacher/ postman/ farmer… 2.四会单词: teacher, farmer, postman 的掌握 【教学准备】歌曲、卡片、PPT课件和头饰, 学生全家福照片 【教学流程】 Step1 Warm up a. Greeting b. 师生复习上一节课的chant 作为本节课英语开课的热身环节,做好活跃课堂气氛的准备。 Brother, brother, this is my brother. I love my brother. Sister, sister, this is my sister. I love my sister. Brother, sister, we play together. c. T: Well done. (T 评价学生chant得好) Step2 Presentation a. Lead in( free talk) T: OK! Look! He is my family. This is my father. He is old. He likes swimming. He is a teacher, too.…(师介绍完之请同学说说自己的全家福,为后面的职业出现左准备。) b. 师生对话引出的单词 T: (教师拿起其中一位学生的全家福指着爸爸提问) W ho is he Ss: Father. T: I’m a teacher. Is your father a teacher, too 引导学生理解并应答teacher。 C. 让学生看老师的卡片操练teacher.(教师拿出卡片) d.(师接着在PPT上出示一幅图,然后问)。T:What does he do? Ss: Teacher. T: Yes. He is a … Ss: Teacher. e. T: OK! Look! What does he do (出示postman图片,师 直接用本课的重点句型发问,让学生进一步感知句型) Ss: He is a … T: Postman. H e is a postman. What does he do (教师再问一次让学生说出完整的句子。进行一定的机械操练) f.教师以同样的方式引出和教读 far mer 和driver。(driver 不是重点,作为辅助使用,还要注意转到she 的时候提醒学生回答时人称要一致) Step3 Practice a. 出示Mimi等的图片。教师 以Mimi为中心展开话题。E.g. Mimi: Hello, I’m Mimi. This is my father. T:What does he do? Mimi:He is a teacher. 学生以Pair work 的形式进行操练。 b. 教师出示ppt 的chant ,教师示范一遍后与学生一起chant. c.教师出示本课对话图片,先谈谈对话上的人物,让学生猜猜他们在说什么。 d. 播放视频:让学生了解对话的大致内容,再次确认学生的答案是否猜测正确。 e. 跟读课文 分两部分来进行朗读和角色扮演(头饰)。如:出示图片后,听录音,老师先充当其中一个人物,让其他同学充当另一个,完了之后两人小组练习第一幅图。第二幅图也这样处理。 Step 4 Production a. Group work 让学生整体读一遍后分两人或四人小组进行对话的练习,时间到后上台展示。 b. 小游戏 :I can read fast c. 四道练习巩固。鼓励学生 I can do d. 拓展: Group work 教师让学生分六人小组互问自己爸爸的工作(事先准备好照片)。 PPT 展示语言支持,教师先与一个学生进行示范。 Step 5 Summary 总结今天所学的句型及单词。 What does he do He is a farmer /teacher/postman... What does your father do He is a farmer/ teacher/postman... Step 6 Homework 1.Read and imitate the dialogue three times. 2.Tell your partners about your family’s jobs. 【板书设计】 Unit1 This is my new friend. Lesson 4 What does he do He is a farmer /teacher/postman. ... ...

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