
Unit 6 Are you ready? 表格式教案(5个课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:49次 大小:40235Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    单元教学计划 单元名称: Unit6 Are you ready? 教学时间: 第12-13周 一、单元教学内容: 本单元话题是“体育活动”,呈现了老师给小朋友们上体育课的情景。教学重点是祈使句和日常用语Are you ready?和Well done! 可以准备一些有关体育比赛的图片或视频,和学生分享,引导他们关注和热爱体育运动。 本单元呈现了四个表示动作的词汇,可以和学生一起重温一年级上册Unit7中的动词sing, dance, cook, draw,导入目标词汇。也可以准备足球、篮球、跳绳等体育用品,设计教学活动。 二、本单元教学要求: 1、学生能听懂、会说、会读句型Are you ready? Run!/ Jump!/ Hop! Well done! 2、学生能听懂、会说、会读单词run, jump, hop, walk, are, ready. 3、学生会诵读歌谣hop, hop, hop 4、学生能听懂、会说、会读、会读字母Rr, Ss, Tt. 三、本单元教学重点、难点: 1、学生能听懂、会说、会读句型Are you ready? Run!/ Jump!/ Hop! Well done! 2、学生能听懂、会说、会读单词run, jump, hop, walk 3、学生能听懂、会说、会读、会读字母Rr, Ss, Tt. 四、本单元教学进度安排: 5课时 五、本单元教学注意点: 日常用语Are you ready? Well done!的用法。 单词run和hop的读音。 字母Rr, Ss, Tt的读音。 教学课题 Unit6 Are you ready? 课型 New 本课题教时数:5 本教时为 第 1 教时 备课日期 4 月26日 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说run, jump, hop, walk 发音准确 2. 能听懂指令Are you ready? 会用Yes. 回答. 3. 能听懂、会说One, two, three, …的指令 教学重点难点: 重点:能听懂、会说run, jump, hop, walk 发音准确。 难点:能听懂、会说One, two, three, …的指令, 并能做出正确的反应. 教学方法与手段:课件 教学过程: 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step1 Greeting T:Class beings. Ss: stand up. T: Good morning, boys and girls. T:.What can you do? What do you like? Do you like …? How many pencils/pens… Step 2 presentation play a game show the pictures and words quickly to review cook, draw, dance, sing enjoy the song t: what can they do? T: what can you do? T: Are you ready? Yes/no? T: let’s sing/… One, two, three. Sing. One, two, three. Dance… … t: one, two ,tree. Jump. Learn jump. Read with gesture. T: one, two ,tree. Run. Learn r Read together. un. Read together. Read with gesture. t: one, two ,tree. hop. Read with gesture. t: one, two ,tree. Walk. Learn walk. Read together. Read with gesture. Practice Follower teacher’s orders, and ss do the gestures. Sing a new song Change the lyrics of Run, run, run ,we can run ,we can run. Oh, jump, jump, jump, we can jump, we can jump. Or Hop, hop, hop, we can hop, we can hop. Oh, walk, walk, walk, we can walk, we can walk. Or One, two, three, we can run, we can run. Oh, four, five, six, we can hop, we can hop. Ss: Good morning, Miss X S:I can… S:I like… S:Yes/No. S:Three… Ss sing the sing Ss: Sing and dance. S: I can sing/dance/… Ss: yes. Ss sing. Ss dance. Read together. Read together. Learn hop. Read together. 轻松愉快的英语歌曲能让学生很快就能进入学习英语的氛围中。 在游戏中不仅复习了和四季有关的单词,也开始初步了解字母的读音,能帮助学生认读单词。 板书 Unit6 Are you ready? One, two, three. Run Jump Hop Walk 课后反思: 小学生的表演欲和荣誉感都比较强,适当地在课堂中展开一些竞赛性活动,既能提高学生学 ... ...

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